Magic Why Learn Earth Magic? Earth magic contains the game's most powerful offensive spell and also has some useful protection spells, as well as the vital town portal adventure spell. Adventure Spells Offensive Spells Meteor Shower (level four): This spell affects a three by three hex area and deals ((powerx25)+25) damage. At expert level, it does ((powerx25)+100) damage. This spell is a must because it can affect multiple creatures, although it isn't as strong as chain lightning. This is one of the game's better area effect spells. Implosion (level five): This spell is the only magical means of destroying large numbers of seventh-level creatures. A novice can deal ((powerx75)+100) damage, while an expert does ((powerx75)+300) damage. This is the game's most powerful offensive spell and can wipe away whole stacks of archangels and titans. The only defense is anti-magic or, to a lesser extent, protection from earth (air magic). Protective Spells Stone Skin (level one): Stone skin increases one unit's defense by three when cast by a novice. An expert affects all allied troops and increases defense by six. Protection from Air (level two): This spell protects against lightning bolt and chain lightning. Novices affect one unit and reduce damage by 30 percent, while experts reduce damage by 50 percent for all allied units. Anti-Magic (level three): This protective spell is very powerful, but remember that it also prevents you from casting any more beneficial or protective spells on the target. A novice makes the unit immune to spells of level one to three. An expert makes the unit immune to all spells. After casting this spell you can fling destructive spells left and right without worrying about catching your unit in the area of effect. Miscellaneous Spells