Magic Why Learn Fire Magic? Fire magic has a collection of powerful offensive spells, and also some good beneficial ones as well. Offensive Spells Armageddon (level four): This spell is highly destructive but it affects all units on the screen, including your own. It does ((powerx50)+30) damage to all units on screen. Experts do ((powerx50)+120) damage. Only use this spell if you are going to lose anyway and don't care about losing the hero or otherwise command creatures that are immune to this spell, such as red, black, and gold dragons, efreeti, and any unit with an expert-level anti-magic (earth magic) on them. If you can escape harm, this spell does a terrific amount of damage to all enemy units. Berserk (level four): This spell is great for turning the enemy against itself. When a novice casts this spell, it causes the target to attack the nearest enemy within one hex. That is usually one of its allies (an enemy stack). If there is no enemy in sight, the berserk unit won't attack but will instead move. An expert casting this spell causes the berserk unit to attack the nearest troop in 19 hexes. Inferno (level four): This spell is special because it affects the target hex and all hexes within two hexes for ((powerx10)+20) damage. As offensive spells go, it doesn't do that much damage, but it does affect a huge area. Experts do ((powerx10)+80) damage. Beneficial Spells Frenzy (level four): This spell can be extremely deadly when cast on a unit with high defense. Basically, all defense is converted into attack points, giving the unit better offense but no defense. At expert level, the attack increase is 200 percent of the unit's defense, instead of only 100 percent. If your witch has this spell, it is a good on to cast on fortress creatures. Slayer (level four): This spell gives your unit a +8 attack bonus against dragons, behemoths, and hydras. An expert also conveys the bonus when attacking angels, devils, and titans. Protective Spells