Neutral Campaign 1: Scenario 1 - "Borderlands" Objective: Flag all mines Starting notes: Your heroes are limited to twelfth level, but your eight best can carry over to the final scenario of this campaign. Creatures and artifacts don't carry over, but spells do.
No bonus/Select a starting
hero (you can pick one): Starting towns: Two fortress towns Starting resources: 30W, 15M, 30O, 15S, 15C, 15Ge, 30000G Other towns: There are three castle towns on this map, on the southeast and east sides of the map. Two only have halls and no military fort, but the town of Cornerstone (located far south of your initial fortress town by following the road south), has a keep. The castle towns can't really be built up since most castle buildings are locked out for this scenario. Notes: The good thing about this scenario is that there is no underground. The opposition is also fairly weak, and won't really mount much of an attack against you. You can actually just wait about two weeks, building up to wyvern monarchs and chaos hydras, while exploring your side of the map. (A mountain ridge cuts this map in two diagonally. Your side is to the west, and the enemy side is the east.) Then split your army between two heroes. Have one hero run around taking all the mines while the other captures the enemy towns. The only mine that might present a problem is the gold mine in the south of the map. It is accessible only via a magical portal. The portal is located at the southwestern edge of the swamp and is guarded by a red border guard. The keymaster's tent for this guard is actually close to your first fortress, only about a day's ride to the north if you follow the road. This map has two lumber mills, two ore mines, two sulfur mines, one crystal mine, two gem ponds, and one gold mine. Flag them all and you win.