
  Chapter Introduction
Evil Campaign 1
Good Campaign 1
Neutral Campaign 1
Evil Campaign 2
Good Campaign 2
Good Campaign 3
Secret Campaign
Campaign Walk-throughs

Evil Campaign 2: Scenario 1 - "A Gryphon's Heart"

Objective: Bring the Spirit of Oppression artifact to the city of Stonecastle within three months.

Starting notes: Seek out the Seer. By completing his quest you can carry the reward to the next scenario.

  This is one of three Seer's Huts on this map. The other two are above ground. Upon completing their quests, you'll receive the Spirit of Oppression.

Choose a bonus (you can pick one):
· Start with a scroll of death ripple
· Start with one black knight
· Start with a skeleton transformer in your town

Starting towns: One necropolis town

Starting resources: 20W, 10M, 20O, 10S, 10C, 10Ge, 20000G

Other towns: None besides Stonecastle.

Notes: In order to animate the body of King Gryphonheart, you need to capture the castle town of Stonecastle. You have three months to find the Spirit of Oppression artifact and bring it to Stonecastle in order to complete the animating spell. Start with the death ripple spell or the black knight and you'll have a good advantage.

Stonecastle is in the middle of the map, to the south of your necropolis. This map is very small, but garrisons block your way to Stonecastle. Luckily, they are only lightly defended by pikemen and archers. There are three Seer's Huts, and its only after you've finished all their quests that you'll get the Spirit of Oppression. One Seer is above ground, right next to your town. The second Seer's Hut is underground, awhile the third one is also above ground but on the diagonally opposite side of the map.

The biggest challenge in this scenario is finding the Spirit of Oppression. Once you do that, just march into Stonecastle with your largest army.

Next, Evil Campaign 2: Scenario 2