Hiding Your Fleet's True Strength
A wise enemy will scout your mothership's position as often as possible, to best counteract your building technique. Thus, it is wise to conceal your intentions as often as possible, as follows.
Keep Your Small Ships Docked
In the launch manager (accessed via the L key), click to put an X in the little circle beside the picture of the mothership (or carriers, if any). Your fighters and corvettes will stay inside the mothership rather than emerge into military formation beside her. You can then, for example, surprise an enemy attacking your mothership by launching a fleet of salvage corvettes and stealing his capital ships.
Use Carriers
Carriers can keep units in the docks the same way motherships can. Another good reason to use carriers: They can build everything smaller than a destroyer and are far more mobile than a mothership.
Cloak Your Forces
Guard your units with cloak generators to hide them from enemy view. Scout ahead of your fleet and destroy proximity detectors. Use multiple cloak generators so one can cloak while the others recharge.
Split Your Forces
Use the vertical axis to disguise the extent of your fleets. Put half of them to each side, higher and lower than the horizontal playing field.
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Masterful movement and combat methods
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