Presents Homeworld Game Guide

Ship Management
Resource Collection
Movement & Combat
Unit Strategies
Multiplayer Strategies

Defeating the enemies you'll face in the single-player game and reaching your Homeworld are a rewarding experience but not quite as rewarding as dominating human opponents over a local area network or over the Internet. In this section, you'll find strategies geared toward the multiplayer experience.

Take time to read through the other sections of this game guide, specifically unit strategies, combat, and ship management, for additional tips on Homeworld multiplayer gameplay.

The Game's First Few Moments

The early moments of a multiplayer game can dictate the flow of the entire game. The game's host can select a variety of different resource options that also will affect the early moments of the game, but there are some general principles that should be applied to every game situation.

1) Select your resource collectors and press H to begin harvesting.

2) Immediately bring up your build menu by pressing B. Construct a research ship, resource collector, repair corvette, and as many scouts as your remaining money will allow.

3) Bring up the research menu by pressing R. Decide beforehand your research desires, and begin ascending the appropriate path. If the map's resources lie far from the mothership, you should begin research of capital-ship drive so you can build the resource controller. If you think you'll be threatened early by your opponent's strike craft, head up the corvette route to the multigun corvette.

4) Continue to churn out offensive units with your remaining money. Once the new resource collector and research ship are ready, send the collector to harvest, then research a new technology.

5) Send a probe to your opponent's resource group to gauge its defenses.

6) Send a larger scout squad against your opponent's resource collector and its defenses. If the resource collector is set to normal or evasive tactics, it will retreat home under fire. This disrupts your enemy's economy. If your opponent has set the collector to aggressive tactics, it will continue harvesting. Pound away until your opponent moves scouts to assist. Retreat your scouts and refuel and repair.

7) Build another resource collector or a resource controller if the resource areas lie far from your mothership.

8) Use probes positioned near your opponent's mothership to see how many collectors he is using. If he's using more than you, he'll be acquiring resource units quicker. You'll need to attack and disrupt to compensate (or construct more collectors yourself).

9) Begin moving your fleet into the largest, and usually central, resource patch. Gain a foothold and protect the large resource area as you continue to churn out offensive vessels. If your opponent moves to attack, let his forces come to you.

Definitive ship and resource management strategies

Masterful movement and combat methods

Comprehensive unit information

Detailed campaign walk-through

Proven multiplayer tactics

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