Classification: Strike Craft
Race: Kushan/Taiidan
Cost: 65 RUs
The defender's claim to fame is its "high-powered rotational thrusters," which let the nimble ship turn quickly in place and cover a lot of ground with its powerful weaponry. This makes the defender an ideal and inexpensive anti-strike-craft vessel. If your opponent is keen on using large squadrons of strike craft, support your own strike-craft efforts with a small squad of defenders.
Though the defenders are quite slow compared with scouts and interceptors, they have excellent "coverage," which means they can fire their weapons in nearly any direction. This is a huge advantage over the scout and interceptor, which must be facing you to cause damage.
 Use defenders to defend your capital-ship groups from strike-craft attack. |
Consider placing a defender group inside your own strike-craft group when you move to attack the enemy's strike-craft group. Consider that for the price of 40 interceptors, you could build 22 interceptors and 15 defenders. Remember the 15 defenders move slower, so you'll need to either manually slow down your interceptor group or assign them to guard the slower defenders. When you enter the fight, have two groups, one with the interceptors and another with the defenders. Set the interceptors to evasive and engage all enemy interceptors. Set the defenders to aggressive and assault the enemy interceptor group. If the enemy interceptors move to attack the defenders, put your interceptor group back to aggressive and micromanage them against the enemy interceptors.
Defenders are an excellent tool against enemy strike craft. Though they boast decent firepower, they just aren't as effective against capital ships. The defenders are slow and easily picked off by turrets and missile destroyers.
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