Presents Homeworld Game Guide

Ship Management
Resource Collection
Movement & Combat
Unit Strategies
Ship Management

Your Homeworld strategy will only be as effective as your ability to manage your fleet. Once joined, battles are often too chaotic to keep up with, and multiplayer games have no pause key. Solid preparation determines who will emerge the victor. This section details important basic concepts for both Homeworld's single-player campaign and multiplayer game.

Offense vs. Defense Mentality

The best real-time strategy-game players are not only organized, but aggressive. Homeworld, like many other games, rewards the player who gobbles up the available resources as quickly as possible. Put most of your muscle into your offense, and extend your reach as far toward your opponents as you can.

However, the tasks of organizing your fleets and developing a plan for them leave hardly any time to scout the map to see what your opponents are up to. Cloaking units make the task of defending your mothership harder yet. So a capable defense is indeed an important factor.

At the beginning of a multiplayer game, nothing can dangerously harm your mothership (or research ships). Don't occupy yourself with attacking every scout or probe that comes your way at first. More important is to establish yourself wherever the resources are thickest. For instance, position the bulk of your fleet within your resource patch. Continue to move your units into the larger resource areas of the map. Give yourself a strong presence in the resource areas of the map, and force your opponent to attack to gather resources.

Control resource areas by moving the bulk of your fleet to defend them.
It's difficult to play defensively in Homeworld, because you can't really protect your headquarters like you can in other real-time strategy games (for instance, there are no walls in Homeworld to barricade yourself within). Securing a defense is all about scouting. Use proximity sensors and probes to investigate potential threats. The proximity sensors also alert you if an enemy ship is near and if your opponent is utilizing cloaking technology.

Other than scouting, you should focus on offense. Keep pressure on the enemy, particularly your opponent's resource centers. However, force the battle to come to you. Many players will carelessly maneuver their fleet to the battle. If your units are together in a single group, you'll be able to pick off the lead ships without worrying about the slower craft.

Definitive ship and resource management strategies

Masterful movement and combat methods

Comprehensive unit information

Detailed campaign walk-through

Proven multiplayer tactics

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