Attack Bomber
Classification: Strike Craft
Race: Kushan/Taiidan
Cost: 85 RUs
Attack bombers can be an excellent complement to your interceptor and scout strike force, but only when you're moving against a capital-ship group. Attack bombers are terrible against quick strike craft; use them exclusively against small to medium-size capital ships, primarily assault and ion cannon frigates. When your opponent reaches the ability to construct larger capital ships, you need to use some of your own to take them down. Again, remember that the attack bombers' primary weakness is their slow speed. They'll get ripped by faster strike craft; set the attack bombers to evasive tactics if you're worried about an opponent's strike-craft squad (or if you don't have enough strike craft to support the bombing run).
Group attack bombers together and assault small capital ships like the assault frigate and ion cannon frigate. |
You also shouldn't use attack bombers when attacking a missile destroyer. Its guided missiles will spell doom for your attack bombers; you're better off using other capital ships against this beast. Even a horde of attack bombers isn't very effective unless supported by several capital ships or a squad of quick scouts diverting fire.
Attack bombers work best early in the game when you're repelling your opponent's assault-frigate attacks or if you're moving against his resource group. Send attack bombers to accompany your strike-force group. Use the scouts and interceptors against any strike-force defenses, and use the attack bombers, in a wall formation, against the resource collector or controller. As you progress through the game, attack bombers become less effective against the larger capital ships, but they're inexpensive when compared with the heavier ships. You can construct many attack bombers as opposed to a single heavy cruiser, but if your opponent is smart enough to use a grav well, you could be in big trouble.
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Masterful movement and combat methods
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Detailed campaign walk-through
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