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The Walkthrough

This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game. Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.

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Demo 1 Weapons: You begin this missions with the BlasTech Pistol and your Lightsaber (you can choose Single Saber with one of three Stances, the Dual Sabers or SaberStaff), as well as a choice of two (2) of the following weapons: Stormtrooper Rifle, Bowcastor, Disruptor, or DEMP2. Additionally you may choose one (1) of the following throwable explosives: Thermal Detonators, Trip Mines, or Det Packs.

At the end of each Mission you'll lose all your aquired weapons (you're resupplied by the loadouts in the next).

Demo 1 Force Updates: On this Demo Mission your Neutral Force Powers are all at Level 1. At the start of each new mission you are given one "Force Star" that can be applied to any of the Dark Side or Light Side Powers. As long as you have at least one "Force Star" assigned, you can use that Power. You can freely mix and match Powers from either side of the Force.

This mission resest your Force powers to what are noted below, regardless of what you had previously.

Special Notes: This is the first Demo Level (chronologically). You can choose between all three Saber Types before this mission (and one of three starting Stances with the Single Saber), unlike in the full version. In the full version this level does not occur first, so some of the material encountered will not be "new" in the sense that it is here.

The saber (and other player modification) options only occur with the Demo mission you play first. These choices will affect the second Demo mission (since you can play them in any order).

At the end of each Mission you'll lose all your aquired weapons (you're resupplied by the loadouts in the next).

When you begin the second Demo mission (depends upon which mission you began with), you will be awarded One Force Star to apply to either the Dark or Light Side Power of your choice.

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JA Demo: Tatooine

by sith (secrets by Kurgan)

New Weapons: BlasTech Pistol, Lightsaber, Stormtrooper Rifle, Thermal Detonators, Bowcastor
New Enemies: Weequay, Gran, Rodian, Trandoshan, Mercenary, Cultist
Force Updates: Level 1 Jump, Level 1 Pull, Level 1 Push, Level 1 Sense, Level 1 Speed, Level 1 Saber Offense, Level 1 Saber Defense, Level 1 Saber Throw, Level 1 Mind Trick, Level 1 Grip, Level 1 Heal, Your Choice of Saber Stance/Type (if you chose Single Saber you can choose your starting Stance), One Star (only if you play this after Chandrilla; if you play this mission first, then you'll be awarded One Star before Chandrilla).
Secret Areas: 2

Shot 1-1
Walk around the corner and enter your first battle.
Shot 1-2
Find this door in the alcove and go through it.
Shot 1-3
Go through the hall and go through this door.
Shot 1-4
Enter the second hangar area. Watch the cutscene. Enter the small door the bad guys are coming out of.
Shot 1-5
Walk down this hall and take the small door on the right.
Shot 1-6
Enter the Raven's Claw hangar and fight the bad guys and watch the cutscene.

Shot 1-6b (Secret Area)
From the side door, take a sharp right (by the Raven's Claw) and head to the cubby hole behind the boxes closest to the side of the building. Find some items behind the boxes.

Shot 1-7
Go to the left of these trip mines and head for the door...
Shot 1-7b (Secret Area)
...but before you leave, hop on top of the debris to reach the top of this big box to find some useful shields & health. Head through the door.
Shot 1-8
Run across this ledge.
Shot 1-9
Go into this elevator.
Shot 1-10
Hit this switch and then another one in the next room. Then go back down on the elevator.
Shot 1-11
Walk up to the door and Chewie shows up. Go down the hall and through the door on the right.
Shot 1-12
Battle all the baddies by the Falcon to end the level.

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