guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game.
Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may
not be the most direct route to completing a level.
Tier 2 Weapons: You always begin these missions with the BlasTech Pistol and your Lightsaber, as well as a choice of two (2) of the following weapons: Stormtrooper Rifle, Bowcastor, Disruptor, DEMP2, Flechette(new), or Heavy Repeater(new). Additionally you may choose one (1) of the following throwable explosives: Thermal Detonators, Trip Mines, or Det Packs.
At the end of each Mission you'll lose all your aquired weapons (you're resupplied by the loadouts in the next).
Tier 2 Force Updates: On Tier 2 your Neutral Force Powers are all at Level 2. At the start of each new mission you are given one "Force Star" that can be applied to any of the Dark Side or Light Side Powers. As long as you have at least one "Force Star" assigned, you can use that Power. You can freely mix and match Powers from either side of the Force.
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Level 10 : Nar Kreeta
"Rescue Mission"
by Sam Fisher (some secrets by txa1265)
New Weapons: None
New Enemies: Rancor
Force Updates: One Star
Secret Areas: 3
You start in an exhaust tunnel; go to the end of it. |
Slice the grate to get in. |
Listen to the conversation, and slice the grate to get down. |
10-4 (Secret Area)
Kill all the baddies, then go into the room to your right and look on the right wall for a secret. |
Go up the ramp and clear it out and open the door. |
Shot 10-6
Then go back to the other room beyond the one you went in. |
Shot 10-7
Go up the lift to the right, and activate the console. |
Shot 10-8
(cutscene) Then hop out of the window, go to the prisoners and go to the door on the right. (cutscene) Then go back to room with the lift, and use the other door. |
Shot 10-9
Clear the bar, then go out the door and to the left. |
Shot 10-9b (Secret Area)
"Apparently our friend Mr. Bad-Grammer-Chiss-Guy got a transfer from Nar Shadda. After saying hello - he's not in the mood to talk to Jedi anymore it seems, check the taps to the left behind the bar with Sense. You'll have to saber the wall to collect the large Shield booster." |
Again activate the console to let the prisoners out, and go to them. All you have to do is follow them and distract the rancor until all the prisoners escape. |
Again go back to the lift after getting the prisoners to safety, and go through it all again, but go farther down to the left for the next set of prisoners. |
Shot 10-12
Use the next lift to the left, and do the same thing as you did before on getting the prisoners to safety. |
Shot 10-13
Go through the same place all over again, but this time go to right instead of the left. |
Shot 10-14
Rescue the remaining prisoners, and follow them to where you started the level for end level. |
Shot 10-14b (Secret Area)
"You must do this before you free the last group of prisoners!!! Look out the tube where you entered. You'll see a bunch of rock outcroppings and a railed ledge on the left. This is where you want to go. But how? First, save NOW. You need to get to the very edge of the tube, and jump up, twisting and turning as you jump to end up on the top of the tube. You will likely die a few times trying this. The rest is easy. Jump rock-to-rock to the ledge, collect the goodies and then jump back. You might want to save again in case you do something stupid. Just edge backwards to the end of the tube, looking down. drop while moving forward so you don't fall to your death." |
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