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The Walkthrough

This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game. Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.

Tier 2 Weapons: You always begin these missions with the BlasTech Pistol and your Lightsaber, as well as a choice of two (2) of the following weapons: Stormtrooper Rifle, Bowcastor, Disruptor, DEMP2, Flechette(new), or Heavy Repeater(new). Additionally you may choose one (1) of the following throwable explosives: Thermal Detonators, Trip Mines, or Det Packs.

At the end of each Mission you'll lose all your aquired weapons (you're resupplied by the loadouts in the next).

Tier 2 Force Updates: On Tier 2 your Neutral Force Powers are all at Level 2. At the start of each new mission you are given one "Force Star" that can be applied to any of the Dark Side or Light Side Powers. As long as you have at least one "Force Star" assigned, you can use that Power. You can freely mix and match Powers from either side of the Force.

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Level 13 : Coruscant

"Capture Crimelord"

by Sam Fisher

New Weapons: None
New Enemies: Force User Cultist, Acrobat Cultist, Assassin Droid
Force Updates: One Star
Secret Areas: 1

Shot 13-1
You start on one side of a blasted walkway.
Shot 13-2
Go around the other side of your ship, and jump over to the lower floor.
Shot 13-3
Hop over to the floating car, and then onto the other side.
Shot 13-4
Go left and hop over the gap in the buildings.
Shot 13-5
Blast the guys here, then hop up to the adjacent building.
Shot 13-6 (Secret Area)
Use the box to get up; go left for a secret area.

Shot 13-7
Go back down and kill the assasin droid behind the box to the right.

Shot 13-8
Hop down here, waste the baddies, the go inside the building and go up the lift.
Shot 13-9
Continue on straight to kill another assasin droid.
Shot 13-10
Hop the gap, jump over/destroy the force fields then go left for ammo and shield recharges.
Shot 13-11
Go back to the right this time and clear it out.
Shot 13-12
Hop down and kill the assasin droid.
Shot 13-13
Use the boxes to hop the gap.
Shot 13-14
Continue over here and go through the door to your left.
Shot 13-15
Kill the Cultists and go down the lift in the NE side of the room.
Shot 13-16
(cutscene) Then you kill the other assasin droids for end level.

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