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The Walkthrough

This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game. Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.

Special Note: This mission comes after completing Tier 3. It is a "two part" required mission (encompassing Levels 23 & 24). There are the standard weapon loadouts and no Force Star.

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Level 23 : Taspir III

"Taspir III"

by Sam Fisher

New Weapons: None
New Enemies: Reborn Master
Force Updates: None
Secret Areas: 4

Shot 23-1
You start on a landing pad, go through the door with the Stormtroopers in front.
Shot 23-2
Go inside, and through the door.
Shot 23-3
Use both these panels to get the bridge out.
Shot 23-4
Waste the Hazard Trooper, and go left and use the panel.
Shot 23-5
Go back up and into the building, go left and into the now open lift.
Shot 23-6
Go out an through to this door, go out; waste the baddies.

Shot 23-7
Circle around to the left, go into the lift.

Shot 23-8
Go out, kill the stormies, and use Push on this box.
Shot 23-9
Jump up and go around to slice the grate at the other end.
Shot 23-10
Go around, "acquire" a key from the Imp Commander, and use it on the locked door you passed.
Shot 23-11
Go out, kill the Dark Jedi, and go around left.
Shot 23-12
Blast the troopers, then go through the door.
Shot 23-13
Go up the stairs, all kill the Dark Jedi.
Shot 23-14
Go through this door, kill the Dark Jedi on the bridge.
Shot 23-15
Go through this door and hop over the gap, kill the Cultists.
Shot 23-16
Go around and into the door to the left.
Shot 23-17
Go down the stairs and kill the Dak Jedi.
Shot 23-18
Go out the door at the bottom and kill the Cultists there.
Shot 23-19
Go inside and kill the Cultists right inside the door.
Shot 23-20
Continue into the next area and go onto the bridge.
Shot 23-21
Kill the Hazard Troopers along the way; use the rocks to avoid the lava and go to the other side.
Shot 23-22
Go in this door and kill the Dark Jedi.
Shot 23-23
Go through the door and kill the Cultists on the bridge.
Shot 23-24
Go inside and circle around, use the lift and go out.
Shot 23-25
Kill the Dark Jedi and go out this door.
Shot 23-26
Circle around again and use the lift.
Shot 23-27
Kill the Reborn Master, then go through the door for end level.

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