guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game.
Note that this guide covers all secret areas. Thus it may
not be the most direct route to completing a level.
Tier 1 Weapons: You always begin these missions with the BlasTech Pistol and your Lightsaber, as well as a choice of two (2) of the following weapons: Stormtrooper Rifle, Bowcastor, Disruptor, or DEMP2. Additionally you may choose one (1) of the following throwable explosives: Thermal Detonators, Trip Mines, or Det Packs.
At the end of each Mission you'll lose all your aquired weapons (you're resupplied by the loadouts in the next).
Tier 1 Force Updates: On Tier 1 your Neutral Force Powers are all at Level 1. At the start of each new mission you are given one "Force Star" that can be applied to any of the Dark Side or Light Side Powers. As long as you have at least one "Force Star" assigned, you can use that Power. You can freely mix and match Powers from either side of the Force.
Special Note: This mission will differ slightly from the Demo Version since you begin with different starting gear/abilities.
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Level 7 : Corellia
"Cult Investigation"
by Sam Fisher (secrets by txa1265)
New Weapons: None
New Enemies: None
Force Updates: One Star
Secret Areas: 3
You start on the back of the tram, and you need to get on top. |
Use the pipes to get on top, and go on. |
Shot 7-2b (Secret Area)
"After you've cleared the first cars and hop to the next one, look back and down on the left side. You can either jump it (did I tell you to SAVE!?!) or go back to where you started and creep the right ledge (please tell me you saved!)." |
Go all the way to the end, hop down, and turn around and go inside. |
Go to the end of the tram, hit the switch. |
Go back and use the red pipes to get to the next tram section. |
Shot 7-6
Hop again to the top, and go down the other side. |
Shot 7-7
Use the boxes to get to the top, then hop over to the top of the next tram. |
Shot 7-7b (Secret Area)
"After you cross the 'tanker' car and jump to the next one, look back. You will see a lower level and can just hint the Ammo recharge station. Save, jump, and win ;)" |
Shot 7-8
Kill the Cultist and the Mercs, then use the big pipes to get back up. |
Shot 7-9
Hop to the next tram and go inside, clear it, then go to the next tram. |
Go left or right side, and around the tram, kill the baddies, hop to the next tram. |
Go in the door on the E side of this tram, and use the lift inside. |
Blast the two controls on either side of the force field to deactivate it, then go up and out using the window. |
Keep hoping trams, and then go up this to the next tram. |
Shot 7-14
Go down the other side, and on to the next tram. |
Shot 7-15
Kill the Cultist, then deactivate the bomb. |
Shot 7-15b-c (Secret Area)
"When you are in the very front car and can end the mission by hitting the break, instead exti back out and ledge walk to the nose of the car (first screen). Jump up and walk back to your final first tier reward." |
Shot 7-16
Hop the remaining trams, then use the controls at the front of the tram to finish the level. |
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