The MapMixer learning curve can be a little steep because it can take some time to discover all its features and how they interact with each other.
It helps to always keep in mind that MapMixer is a Mutator. Therefore it will be present with every map played in the MapMixer controlled session. It provides some in-game functionality such as some HUD displays but its core function is to take control over the standard UT2004 Map List system.
There are two methods to use MapMixer in your game session.
MapMixer provides some Bot Roster control but the optional add-on BotMixer will provide more options.
Note that MapMixer has been purposefully designed for generic compatibility with game mods, so you might find that by simply copying the mapmixer files into each mod's System folder that MapMixer can be used, although not with the MapMixer Main Menu Shortcut.
MapMixer provides a mutator configuration interface to manage all it's settings. There are two ways to access this Configuration Menu:
MapMixer provides two in-game menus: Admin and Client Config. The Admin menu allows an administrator client (or single player) to control certain aspects of the server running MapMixer. The Client Config menu enables each user connected to a server (or single player) running MapMixer to alter client specific settings.
Note: The Admin Menu requires standard UT2004 administrator rights (also see Client Auto Login), whereas the Client Config is accessible by everyone.
MapMixer displays certain match information on a client's heads up display.
MapMixer also tracks Session Player Statistics for each client and is displayed on each client when required.
Like many other aspects of UT, MapMixer can be controlled in-game using its own console commands. Often users bind these commands to keys to provide instant access to these commands. MapMixer provides a Key Bindings Menu to help you quickly bind some of the more important MapMixer commands to keys. This Menu can be accessed either in the Config menu or in-game via a console command or using the Client Config menu.
Note that on Network Clients, the Client Configuration and Admin menus can be bound to keys client-side via console commands. So if the client doesn't have the full mutator package installed then they will have to use the console to bind the Client and Admin menus to keys. However, MapMixer will attempt to auto assign these two keys after the match begins for those clients who have not set them up. Alternatively, a client connected to a MapMixer server could simply type "mapmixer keys" into the console to open the MapMixer Key Binds Menu.
MapMixer completely intercepts the standard map list system and uses its own system to provide its extra features. Therefore any references to the standard UT map list will not correspond to MapMixer's map list.
You can use the standard UT console command switchlevel to change maps if you desire and MapMixer will take note, however, while this command is quite valid with respect to MapMixer, it is not the standard way of using MapMixer and exists only to provide support for other components external to MapMixer that might cause map changes, such as Map Voting Mutators.
MapMixer has been tested with some Game Mods. Simply place the MapMixer files into the Mod's System folder and you should be able to use it via the mutator interface. MapMixer has not been designed for specific game mods but works in a generic manner that it should work by itself.
It is strongly suggested that you at least have a look at the section in the Index on the left titled Concepts. This will introduce you to the basic concepts. Then you can take a look at the Configuration section to see how to configure MapMixer.