
Leadership Sound Notifications

In gametypes such as Capture the Flag or Bombing Run, UT2004 announces when you attain or loose the lead.  MapMixer extends this feature by optionally notifying clients in Deathmatch style gametypes of the following states:

For example, if you become the match leader then you will hear an announcement of "taken the Lead" and if you loose the leader position then you will hear "lost the lead".  If you become equal leader then you will hear an electronic chime and if you loose your equal leader placing then you will hear another electronic sound indicating that you have fallen behind.

Client Settings

This announcement feature is normally enabled for each Client but individual clients can locally disable this feature if they desire.  In the Client Config Menu in the Options Tab there is an option called Leader Sound Notification that enables or disables this feature; it is on by default.

Each Client can also modify the default sounds used for the notification events.  The Client should open their local MapMixer_Client.ini file and alter the following lines in the section [MapMixerClient-235.MapMixer_ReplicationInfo] (or add these lines if they don't appear - taking note to set the correct MapMixer version, which in this example is 235):


Each line specifies a UT2004 UAX sound package and sound name. The examples above show the default sounds.

Server Settings

Obviously a game administrator will want to pick which game types that this feaure is used with. There is no point in using this feature with game types such as CTF, BR or AS as they already have their own similar notifications. MapMixer comes pre-configured to use its Leader Notification with Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Last Man Standing and Mutant.  However, if you create any of your own MapMixer Custom Game Types (eg Instagib Deathmatch) you will need to let MapMixer know that you want to use the Leader Notification feature with these game types!

To do this, go to the Game Types Tab in the MapMixer Options.  Down in the bottom left of the screen there is a button labelled In-Game. This button opens the Game Type Leader Notifications window, which displays a list of all the basic game types as well as MapMixer Custom Game Types. There are two columns displayed, the first displays which game types are enabled for Leader Sound Notification and the second column is used for the Player Ranking List HUD feature.

Simply double-click in the first column in the corresponding game type to enable or clear the Leader Sound Notification.

This not only works for offline single player mode but also for networked games. If you are setting up a game server, you can select which game types will be enabled for the audible notifications and then each client can switch it on or off for themselves via their Client Config Menu.