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Your Units Berserks Bowmen Dwarves Journeymen Enemy Units bre'Unor Wolves Goal Spend a night in the forest. Walk-through 1. On this level in particular, hit pause as soon as the action begins and pre-set your troops in this suspended state; you won't have time otherwise. MAP 2. Sitting around the campfire, your troops' attention is suddenly attracted by a boisterous ritual going on in the distance. Suddenly a band of the forest's native inhabitants (the bre'Unor) and their trusty wolves go on the attack. Line up quickly and deflect this first assault. MAP 3. Your current position is not exactly the most strategically advantageous (you can be approached from all sides), so you should quickly go in search of a better spot. There are many choices here, but a strong one is to retreat to the river. This puts an impassable barrier at your back, provides a nice incline for Bowmen, and offers ample scrub brush that, if hacked, reveals healing roots. MAP 4. March your troops through the pass to the east, but keep your Berserks at the rear. Another attack will come from that direction, but your Berserks should be able to handle it alone. MAP 5. Continue your march, turning north as the path opens. MAP
7. Take this moment of respite to beat the bushes for healing roots. These bushes look like small, gray clumps; if your Journeyman whacks at them a few times, they will yield at least one healing root. MAP 8. Reestablish your position for the remaining assaults, healing in the intervals and making every effort to attack your enemies from long distance. Don't be afraid to use your Fire Arrows to make your opponents' approach more difficult and costly. MAP 9. The following assaults will vary in intensity, but they will require you to hold your forces as tightly as possible, only engaging in hand-to-hand combat when absolutely necessary. Guard mode is your best friend in the dark woods of the Ermine. MAP 10. Once you survive all the assaults, the level ends. MAP
Level XII: Stair of Grief