Multiplayer Myth II is similar to many online gaming experiences, but is still unlike anything else you've played. Sure, you can play a simple kill-your-friends match and the equally commonplace Capture the Flag game, but you have a remarkable choice of game types open to you, each with subtle and variable strategies that make the hairsbreadth difference between victory and slaughter. Learn the information provided here and practice intensely, and you will have the honor of beating your opponents over the head with a sackfull of their own Dwarves' heads. Unlike many multiplayer games, multiplayer Myth II really does draw on most of the same skills as the single player experience, with one important exception. While solo player Myth II encourages perfectionism and experimentation, multiplayer Myth II demands organization, speed, and a cool head. There's no loading saved games or slowing down the action to accommodate your whim. Keep in mind that the map you chose is very important to the game played. Maps dictate the units you will have and the objects of the game. About the Multiplayer Maps Myth II comes complete with 20 different maps for your online enjoyment. Actually, there are only 11 distinct maps, but most come in two varieties, with different units and a few game variations. Many maps are designed specially for individual players and some for teams - if you jump into a team map, you may find yourself at the helm of dozens of troops, which may feel a bit overwhelming. Note that not all games are available on all maps, and some maps have interesting game variations not otherwise available. For example, for the most challenging game of Assassin, you could choose The Untamed Lands, in which you must guard a single chicken whose movements you cannot control. Consult this handy reference guide to find out what to expect when you select one of these maps. Multiplayer Myth II Index Solo Maps Team Maps Unit Trading Games |