GameGuides.com Presents Myth II: Soulblighter Game Guide

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Unit Profiles
Tactics and Strategies
Multiplayer Myth II
Level XXI: Limbs, Heads, and Smoking Craters (Secret Level)

Your Units
Heron Guard

Enemy Units

Blow up all deposits of charges and munitions sheds and kill all Wights.

1. You begin in the southwest corner of the map. March to the east and you will eventually see a most tantalizing sight to the north. A convoy of Wights and their Fetch, Soulless, and Maul masters will be passing, initially unaware of your existence. MAP

2. Bring up at least two Bowmen and focus your fire on one Wight. If you're quick, the whole lot will go up in one big honkin' explosion. You may have to finish off some of the escort units, but there shouldn't be many left. Note that as soon as you begin your attack, the Wights will begin to disperse, so work quickly. One final warning: keep your troops as far back as possible and withdraw your Bowmen the instant you detonate the first Wight; Pus Packet fallout can travel far and cause unnecessary damage. MAP

Sweet! Pick on one Wight quickly, and this whole legion is dust.
3. As you patrol this southern region, you will encounter two more of these sitting ducks. You know what to do. MAP

4. Moving north you will see a mob of Fetches, Soulless, and Ghôls guarding a cave and a wagon filled with Satchel Charges. Draw these units into a Dwarf trap and wipe them out. MAP

5. Send your Dwarves into the cave to stock up on charges before detonating the cave and the wagon. MAP

6. Proceed northeast until you see a wide-open field covered in Pus Packets. Individual Ghôls will approach you through this field; pick them off from afar with your Bowmen. Note that most of them are carrying mortar rounds to throw at you, so make sure they don't get too close. MAP

7. Once the coast is clear, march northeast and detonate the huge Satchel Charge pile waiting for you. MAP

8. Return to the southwest and continue until you see a line of Soulless guarding a fence. (There is a passage leading north, but we'll get to that later). Behind the fence is a holding pen for some very ripe Wights. MAP

9. Move your units back and line up your Bowmen on an angle to the right of the fence. Make sure you don't approach too close or the Soulless will notice you. Fire on the Wight closest to the fence and, with luck, the entire group and the Soulless will go up in a big flash. MAP

10. Stand your ground while more Wights come into view. Pick them off one by one or in groups until there are no more. You'll probably have to move into the pen to finish off all the Wights. MAP

11. Return to the northern passageway, but don't enter. Beyond the pass is a training ground for Soulblighter's troops. MAP

12. Set up a large trap in the pass and send your Berserks down to attract the trainees' attention. They will flood out to meet you, so be ready. MAP

13. Once the assault is over, there will probably still be a group of Soulless waiting near the final munitions shed. Snipe at the Soulless to clear the way for your Dwarves to blow the shed to kingdom come. A few rounds of bottles targeted at the ground near the shed should do the trick. Once this shed is firewood, the level is complete. MAP

Next, Level XXII: The Wall next