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12. Walk westward on this long lava bridge until you come face-to-muzzle with a small batch of Myrkridia. Several others await as you make the turn southward. MAP 13. Just after the southward turn, keep your eyes peeled for several Mahir. Try to deal with them one at a time and nail the approaching Myrkridia from as long a distance as possible. MAP MAP 15. Cross the bridge and turn north toward Soulblighter. If you still have it, use your final Dispersal Dream on the units guarding their master - leftover Dreams won't be any use to you from this point on. MAP 16. Finally, approach Soulblighter with Alric and line up your remaining troops behind him in shallow encirclement formation, facing away from Soulblighter. MAP 17. Alric will attack Soulblighter and drain his substantial health. This will take awhile, so you must hold off the forces that approach from the rear, including small packs of everything you've faced throughout the mission. Only Alric need survive to kill Soulblighter; your other troops must be just strong enough to hold off the assault. When Soulblighter is deceased, victory is yours. MAP |