While a full frontal assault can be effective, it is almost always more fruitful to split your troops and attack from multiple sides simultaneously. This forces your opposition to, against his will, fight two separate battles at once. You, on the other hand, are doing this by choice and, as long as you control your troops, will hold the upper hand. Keep in mind that you do expose yourself to attack at the hands of a full army if an attack comes while you are moving your flanking troops into position. Also, if you are having trouble controlling your troops, you would be advised to save flanking moves until you have mastered the basics. Guarding, Retreating, and Scattering These three commands are important tools in the heat of battle. Guarding orders your troops to stand their ground but attack any enemy who comes into their attack range. For Bowman and Dwarves, this means firing from a fixed location at anyone in their view. For melee troops, this means standing firm until an opponent comes within arm's reach. Note that a unit in Guard mode will not pursue a retreating opponent, but this can be a good thing. Berserks, for instance, will run off after any enemy who enters their line of sight. This can be nice, unless your Dwarves have just lobbed a seven-bottle salute into the air, which is now about to land squarely in the midst of your overzealous Berserks. Retreating and Scattering are most useful when rushing attackers get into range of Bowmen, Dwarves, or other units that cannot defend themselves in close range. Retreating causes the units to take off away from the line of attack while Scattering sends the units running in random directions. Level Skip Cheat It's doubtful the previous tactics won't work. However, you may find yourself just wanting to get on with things. So, if you want to skip to any other level in the game--except the secret levels--simply hold down the Shift key while clicking on New Game in the opening menu. After that, a menu will pop up that allows you to choose any of the regular levels. |