The streets of Blacklake are safe, but you'll need to navigate the abandoned no-man's-land between it and the City Core. You'll find tensions run high as a powerful wizard named Meldanen hoards his grain supplies, causing a fear of starvation among the residents who have barricaded themselves from the city proper to avoid the plague. Blacklake contains locations for a number of ongoing quests: The Search for Never's Tomb, Cloaktower Membership, and two-thirds of Ophala's Art Theft quest. The zoo, the target of Nyatar's Animal Rescue quest, is located here as well.
A-To No-Man's-Land B-Formosa C-The Board Laid Bare Tavern D-Milly's House E-Meldanen's Estate F-Meldanen's Warehouse G-Blacklake Zoo H-The Rumbottom Estate I-The Hodge Estate J-Arcane Laboratory K-Tomb L-Noblemen Estates |