Cheat Codes
To activate the cheat codes, open the console by pressing the tilde (~) key. Then type DebugMode 1. Type in your command. When it says "Entered Target Mode," click on the character you want to modify. You must reactivate the debug mode every time you switch from one area to another.
In the single-player game, your cheats will disable you from going from one chapter to the next, unless you modify your NWNPLAYER.INI file. Open it in a text editor (make a backup first), then change the line "Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=1" to "Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0".
You can get a list of all the console commands by hitting Tab while the console is open. Here are some of the more useful ones (when the command includes #, you need to type in a numeral):
ModAge # | Adds # to character's age |
ModAttackBase # | Adds # to character's base attack bonus |
ModSTR # | Adds # to character's strength |
ModDEX # | Adds # to character's dexterity |
ModCON # | Adds # to character's constitution |
ModINT # | Adds # to character's intelligence |
ModWIS # | Adds # to character's wisdom |
ModCHA | Adds # to character's charisma |
ModSaveFort | Increases character's fortitude save |
ModSaveWill | Increases character's will save |
ModSaveReflex | Increases character's reflex save |
ModSpellResistance # | Adds # to character's spell resistance |
SetAge # | Changes character's age to # |
SetAttackBase | Changes character's base attack bonus to # |
SetSTR # | Changes character's strength to # |
SetDEX # | Changes character's dexterity to # |
SetCON # | Changes character's constitution to # |
SetINT # | Changes character's intelligence to # |
SETWIS # | Changes character's wisdom to # |
SetCHA # | Changes character's charisma to # |
SetSpellResistance # | Changes character's spell resistance to # |
GiveXP # | Gives # experience points to character |
GiveLevel | Instantly add a level to character |