The Sewers
A-To Luskan B-To Baram's Sewers C-The Outcast Ghoul D-Ghoul Lord E-Colmarr's Contraption F-Londa's Vault |
It's best not to question why the sewers are filled with undead. You'll find the sewer entrance to Baram's compound to the north and Colmarr's Contraption to the northwest.
In the southern area, you'll find Londa's treasure room (which can be opened only if you've finished her quest) and a ghoul outcast. Speak to the ghoul, and he'll ask you to kill a ghoul lord (10th-level wizard/5th-level undead) to the east and return his Amulet of Power. Once you've done so, he'll give you one of Colmarr's levers and a sewer key.
With the key, you can open the door in the northwest and fix Colmarr's invention. You'll need the lever from the ghoul, the lever from the Wink and Tickle, and the lever found in a chest near the ghoul lord.
Baram's Sewers
A-To Main Sewers B-To Luskan C-To Baram's Lair |
Entering from the main sewers, you will be confronted by Baram himself, or at least a projected version of him. He will offer you 1,000 gold and some magical items for Kurth's head. (If you enter from Luskan, you will not have this exchange.) If you go through the gate behind him, the deal is off and his guards will attack. The door to his lair is guarded by a 13th-level Yuan-Ti necromancer.
Baram's Lair
A-To Baram's Sewers B-Shrine Spirit Ritual C-Bone Spirit Ritual D-Undead Generator E-Cocoons F-Baram |
Baram's Lair is an undead factory--literally. Destroy the implements in the Bone Spirit Ritual room, then kill all of the skeleton acolytes conducting the Shrine Spirit Ritual. This will put a halt to the undead production, but you'll then have to fight a 5th-level Yuan-Ti conjurer and a 5th-level Yuan-Ti necromancer near the generator.
Before facing Baram himself, visit the spider's lair, kill the vermin, and search the cocoons. You'll uncover Londa's nanny, who will tell you the children have all been murdered and give you a teddy bear for Londa. When you return to Londa, you should consider lying to her. Tell her they've been shipped to orphanages to save her feelings and to ensure you get her treasure key, which opens her husband's vault in the sewers.
Finally, it's time to kill Baram (12th-level rogue/8th-level ranger) and his attendant Priestess of Mask (6th-level cleric). Baram's morningstar does 1d6 fire damage, and he wears a Ring of Elemental Resistance. The priestess gets her power from the two gargoyles behind her, but she's not too tough even if you don't destroy them. Once Baram is dead, grab his high captain's seal from the chest behind him, as well as his head if you want the reward from Kurth.