No One Lives Forever
Combat Strategies
Stealth Strategies
Intelligence Items
Cheat Codes
Guide Contents
A Tenuous Lead, Scene 3

Objective: Get aboard the cargo freighter. Cate and Tom watch the bombs explode and now Cate must uncover a way onboard the cargo freighter. Search the area for a possible intelligence item, then ascend the stairs. Open the door and listen to the conversation between the two guards. If you kill the guards now, the alarm sounds, and you must deal with an onslaught of enemies. If you'd rather play it with stealth, wait until the conversation concludes, and one guard leaves through a door.

Sneak under the windows on the right and approach the door around to the right. There are intelligence items in the room that you can bypass if you wish. To get them, you must also avoid the camera inside the room, and body removal powder is certainly helpful to avoid detection. Snag the intelligence items (either with stealth or by being aggressive) and exit out the door to the left of the hallway. Terminate the guards out here discreetly and move toward the staircase.

A carbine in sniper mode works well in eliminating patrolling guards from a distance - and with silence!
If you ascend the staircase, you notice a couple guards talking (unless you have already alerted them to your presence). After the conversation concludes, terminate the closest one with the carbine. Move underneath the catwalk (by going back down the stairs) and proceed through the crates to the left. Terminate the guards you spot using silenced weaponry. Descend the staircase to the left.

Traverse the underground area and be wary of a guard hanging around in the left hall. Exit through the far door. There's one guard outside to snipe in the fenced in area. Climb all staircases and search the upper warehouse for items. Exit to the fenced-in area and pick the padlock (or shoot it). Climb the ladder and walk to the end of the catwalk. Watch the mechanism pick up one of the large storage containers. When it's near the catwalk, leap onto the container. Ride the container to the freighter to automatically conclude the scene.

These are the chemical containers you're searching for - you must find a blue, red, yellow, and green one.
A Tenuous Lead, Scene 4

Objective: Photograph the four chemical containers. You begin inside one of the freighter's two cargo holds. Search the cargo hold for the chemical barrels. You'll find four total - a blue, green, yellow, and red barrel. When you locate a barrel, pull out Cate's sunglasses and take a photo. Make sure the lens crosshairs are green before taking the shot. Each snapshot counts as an intelligence item.

A hallway connects the cargo holds. A small alcove with a staircase lies along the hallway - search this area for a barrel. Ascending the staircase leads into an adjacent room, which also lies between the two cargo holds. Expect to face several guards here. Reach the other cargo hold, defeat the sailors inside, and search the area for the remaining barrels.

A lift system lies at one of the cargo hold. Use the switch to ascend to the upper level and search for remaining barrels. Jump on the barrel here and onto the crates facing the center of the room. Careful exploration of these crates reveals an open crate that contains an intelligence item and other goodies.

Objectives: Locate the bridge. Photograph the captain's log. Photograph the shipping manifest. Place the tracking beacon in the radio room. Enter an open vent shaft in the second cargo hold (two sailors were standing in front of it discussing opera). Take the last right before the left turn. Open the grate and drop down onto the pipes. Use the cigarette lighter's welder function to bust open the lock. Climb the ladder. Follow the hallway (encounter more sailors) to another ladder - and then another ladder. Continue up to you reach the ceiling hatch. Approach the hatch to conclude the level - Cate's captured by the Scottish guy!

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