No One Lives Forever
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Mission: Safecracker

Briefing: While it's clear that Dumas Industrial Enterprises is somehow involved with H.A.R.M., it's not entirely certain who the mastermind is. You must infiltrate the company's corporate headquarters building, locate the safe in the president's office, and photograph any relevant documents you find.

Agent Goodman will provide a distraction that should draw attention away from you, but you should still expect resistance.

Objectives: Infiltrate the Baron's corporate headquarters building. Locate the Baron's office. Locate the Baron's hidden safe. Search for information on Doctor Schenker's whereabouts. Look for information on H.A.R.M.

The mission begins at the foot of the Dumas Towers, currently under construction. Tom tells Cate that he will make the diversion - Cate just needs to signal him when she's ready.

Safecracker, Scene 1

Objective: Ride the lift to the upper level. Move forward and hide behind the lumber to the left. There are two guards here. If you take them out, you'll be detected, and a guard will likely set off an alarm. Sneak around the dirt pile to the right and use the crossbow to kill guards silently. Enter the building and grab the intelligence item. Exit and move straight into the building ahead. Climb the ladder, get the intelligence item, and kill the guard patrolling below.

Walk to the right side of the warehouse and use the forklift - it smashes into the hanger door, opening it. Walk into the opening and kill the two guards ahead. Locate the door to the right. Go down the staircase. Exit the door and kill the guard sweeping the grounds. Kill the guards ahead and defeat any more that arrive. Search the area for intelligence items. Locate the generator mechanism in the corner. Leap onto the crates and over the fence. Push the red button and search the area around the generator for intelligence items. The lift is now activated.

You can't defeat Igne by ordinary means. Use her radio as a distraction and electrocute her by pulling the power box lever.
Get into the lift and push the button. At the next floor, jump the crates to the left and go over the fence. You're now back at the start position. Locate the fenced-in area on the far left side. Don't worry if you set off the alarm; you're about to clear the scene. Use the keypad adjacent to the lift and ride up to the next scene.

Safecracker, Scene 2

Objective: Defeat Igne Wagner! You stop on the next floor and find Igne Wagner practicing her opera. Emerge from the lift and deal with any guards nearby - they will continue to spawn in the scene. Just defeat them as you move around the level. There are several armor power-ups scattered around; pick them up after sustaining damage to replenish your armor. Locate Igne's boom box and the source of her unbearable music.

Push the red button on the boom box to stop the music. Igne will move to the box and turn the music back on. Note the box is near water. Go straight back from the boom box and locate the power controls. Push the button to ignite the area around the boom box. This will damage Igne. Repeat the process several times to defeat her. You must deal with several guards and may need to replenish your armor during the battle. Also, search the area behind the boom box for an intelligence item.

Objective: Continue to the roof. Enter the lift behind the Igne banner. Use the controls to ride up and conclude the scene.

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