No One Lives Forever
Combat Strategies
Stealth Strategies
Intelligence Items
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Guide Contents
Trouble in the Tropics, Scene 3

Objective: Infiltrate the facility. Go forward and spot the hatch on the floor. Pull out the cigarette lighter and use its lighter function to disable the lock on the hatch. Open the hatch and descend the ladder. Fall down onto the beam. Descend each ladder and traverse each beam until you can leap into the water below. Pull yourself up into the pipe.

You can use the cigarette lighter to supply some light in the tunnel. Go forward and take the first right. Drop down into another pool of water. Emerge into the bottom of the launch area. Search the area for intelligence items. Listen to the conversation between the scientists. When it's over, you're called to quick duty.

Objective: Sabotage the test firing. You have only a minute to figure out a way to sabotage the launch. Pull out the cigarette lighter and switch to the welder function. Locate the combination locks holding up the support beams - there are eight in all. Use the welder twice on each one to break apart the locks. Once you have broken all eight locks, jump back into the water and swim away. A cutscene of the launch plays - and it doesn't go well.

Use the cigarette lighter's welder mode to break apart the combination locks.
Return to the destroyed control room and go down the stairs. Tons of guards attempt to stop your progress here. Use a submachinegun to mow them down as they approach. Collect their ammunition, search the area for intelligence and items, and approach the door with the keypad. Use the code breaker to open the door and complete the scene.

Trouble in the Tropics, Scene 4

Objective: Avoid detection. The mission objective doesn't lie - if you're spotted, the mission ends in failure. There is a technician ahead and a few guards to the left. Your goal is an open door to the left beyond the second block of crates ahead of you. To reach it, hide behind the crates ahead of you and slightly to the right. Wait until the technician walks to the left and walks toward the courtyard ahead of you.

Sabotage the test firing by breaking apart the locks holding up the support beams.
Follow the technician and hide directly behind the crates on the left (face the courtyard). The technician stands checking the crates. As soon as the guard on the left looks toward the courtyard, jump onto the crate and run left quickly. All guards are looking away - you may hear some scientists spot you, but just keep moving. Duck into the doorway, and you've made it past safely!

Walk forward into a storage room and left into a locker room. Search both for intelligence items. There are two scientists talking in the room beyond the lockers. Kill them if you wish. Go into the storage room and proceed beyond into a room with crates on the right. Jump up the stack of crates and follow the narrow tunnels until you drop down into water.

Swim forward and locate a grate. Open the grate and spot the guard up on the bridge. Kill the guard with your spear gun. Walk under the bridge to the ladder at the end. Hide behind the barrels and approach the exit into the courtyard to listen to an important conversation.

This is one of the toughest stealth areas in the game. Hide behind the crates ahead and to the left and wait for an opportunity walk around the structure to the left.
Objective: Eavesdrop on the conversation. Listen to the conversation to discover the launch time of the rocket (and the location of the antidote). Don't be detected during the conversation. Remain carefully hidden behind the barrels.

Objective: Locate a radio and contact headquarters. There are two guards outside: one across from you and another down to the left. Take out the spear gun and go for the one across from you first. Wait until he's moving left (away from the alarm) and shoot him. Take out the one down and to the left next. Terminate the scientist down near the second guard also. Walk across to the room and locate the radio inside. Use the radio to contact Foxhound.

Objective: Get aboard the rocket ship before liftoff. Enter the right-hand tunnel and listen to the scientists discussing the launch. Bust into their party and terminate them and the guards inside. Some will go for the alarm, so make sure you kill them quickly (you don't need to use the spear gun). Search the area for intelligence and items and go through the door at the end of the exiting tunnel.

Objective: Obtain a space suit. Walk toward the lockers and spot the sign pointing the directions to the rocket and the toilet. Look in the room labeled "toilet" and spot the astronaut in the space suit. Terminate him with a head shot and approach his body to steal his space suit. The mission concludes as soon as you have grabbed the space suit. Watch the cutscene of the launch.

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