No One Lives Forever
Combat Strategies
Stealth Strategies
Intelligence Items
Cheat Codes
Guide Contents
Command module A and B flank the room. Enter command module A first and open the door on the right. Use the code breaker on the keypad next to the active monitor. When it's complete, pick up the code breaker and make a note of the monitor, which indicates that the red security field has been partially disabled.

Exit command module A and enter command module B. Perform the same task - place the code breaker on the keypad next to the active monitor. Once it completes, the security field has been disabled.

Return down the zero-gravity area and return to the Goldenrod sector. Locate the lift leading to the Chartreuse sector and the red security door - which isn't there any longer. Walk into the umbilical to proceed toward the top secret labs. Cross the long bridge over the habitat and make sure you eliminate enemy guards quickly. You arrive in the Aquamarine sector. Traverse the long tunnel ahead and note the meteor shower in space outside. Watch for an enemy that appears behind you - enter the door at the end of the tunnel to complete the scene.

Pick up the super atomic laser weapon from the table.
Low Earth Orbit, Scene 2

Objective: Obtain an antidote sample. You're on the Burnt Sienna sector and have five minutes to complete your mission - the space station is busting apart. Go forward, to the right, then to the left. Check the area for intelligence items though time is critical. You'll enter the escape pod area and notice several scientists jumping into pods. Remember this location, as you must return here shortly.

Use the lift and walk around the circular catwalk to the lab on the other side. Enter the lab and grab the beaker container - it's the antidote sample.

Picking up the antidote sample removes the timer.
Objective: Escape the space station. Retreat back to the lift - which collapses in front of you! To get back up to the escape pod room, you must jump up the ledges that line the shaft. Just keep rotating in a circle in the shaft, jumping to each higher ledge. You must move quickly, as some ledges will crumble beneath your feet.

Reach the escape pods and get inside the one with the intelligence item to complete the scene and the mission.

Good Luck and God Speed

Briefing: You have the antidote, but you still don't know to whom you should administer it. The next step will be the most uncertain so far. It will also be the most critical. The price of failure will be measured in innocent blood.

Objective: Report to the advanced field tactics area.

You begin at the briefing. Cate wants to check out the status of the baroness. After much deliberation, you're sent on the mission. First, you make a quick stop in the field tactics area, though, to learn how to drive a snowmobile. Complete the course and the training to proceed to the next mission.

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