Briefing: Commander Gastovski, your task is to eliminate the Soviet presence in the border zone here on Malden--the valley near Lolisse. The Russian tanks need taking out, and we think that only a special-operations expert such as yourself can handle the job. You are Alpha One, and you'll start on the bedrock at Ff60. Two will approach from the sea at Fl61, and Three will begin behind the enemy position at Fi64. Watch yourself out there--there'll be some steep gradients, and a fall could be fatal.
Objectives: Two and Three will deploy charges around the main enemy encampment (located at grid location Fj62) at the crossroads. Send code Alpha to give the signal to detonate the charges. Locate and disable the patrolling Soviet tanks (located at grid location Fi60). Retreat to the rendezvous point (located at grid location Fi56) to the north. Optional secondary objective: There's a deployment of Soviet rocket troops somewhere (located at grid location Fi60) in the mountains. Neutralize it.
The deployment of Soviet rocket troops is just below your starting position. |
Move forward from the start position and peer over the hill at the camp below. You should spot four Russian soldiers within the camp. Your secondary objective is to neutralize the deployment of Soviet rocket troops. Eliminate them with your HK, then drop down the hill. You can gather some supplies from the crates or search the corpses to exchange weapons. Descend the hill toward the road, tanks, and position Fh61.
There are several ways to complete the remainder of the mission. It's a difficult task, and it may take you several tries to get the timing straight. When you reach the bottom of the hill, crouch and crawl to the slow-moving tank in the middle of the road. Drop a satchel charge a few meters in front of the tank. Drop a second satchel charge near the tree on the hill side of the road (where you arrived from). This ensures the slow-moving tank will be destroyed even if it moves away from the first charge.
Warning: Be careful when you detonate the satchel charges. The explosion can kill you! Don't be too close to the blast when you detonate the explosives.
The third charge must be used to destroy the tank on patrol. Crawl along the hill side of the road and drop the satchel charge within the patrolling tank's tracks (it should be right in front of a couple of small bushes). Once all three charges are placed, you have a couple of options as to where to go next. The biggest dangers are a small Russian patrol coming from the road to the right (if you're facing away from the hill), a UAZ containing several Russian soldiers, and a third patrol around the secondary-objective camp.
Move back after laying the satchel charges, and be prepared to make a swift getaway. |
After dropping the satchels, you can scurry up the hill, making sure to stay out of sight of the road patrols. Take out the Russian patrol within the camp and mount the M2 machine gun to eliminate remaining soldiers near the road. Alternatively, you can scurry across the road after placing the third charge. Hug the lake and head away from the tanks. This should put you far from the patrols, and it's the best angle toward the rendezvous point.
Detonate the satchel charges when the patrolling tank moves over the third charge. Upon destroying the tanks, use the radio to notify Alpha to detonate their charges. Maneuver to the rendezvous point to complete the mission.
Spearhead--The Border Zone
Briefing: Lieutenant Hammer, now that a path has been cleared through the valley, our tanks can roll forward. You'll be tackling the remaining enemy forces in the pass before pushing on to the village of Lolisse. You'll start out near Houdan (located at grid location Ff54).
Objectives: Head south, keeping formation with the platoon leader. He'll spearhead the attack and control the supporting grenadiers (located at grid location Ff57) and infantry (located at grid location Fe58). Further supporting the attack will be Zulu Squad (located at grid location Fg58), composed of an ambulance, a repair truck, and an M113 infantry carrier. Clear the pass (located at grid location Fh60) and liberate Lolisse (located at grid location Fj62). Hold it.
As you would with fellow soldiers, it's wise to maintain tank formation so there's additional firepower around to watch your back. |
Maintain tank formation. You encounter Russian soldiers first. Target the RPG soldiers (other infantry don't pose much of a threat). Continue toward the objectives and tackle the Russian tanks and additional soldiers. A friendly repair truck arrives; should you need repair, maneuver close to the truck and use the action menu to repair the tank.
Additional tanks arrive from the south. Remain in Lolisse and hold the town from the counterattack. Take out any crewmembers that emerge from exploding Russian tanks. Stick close to your fellow tank commanders; there's definitely safety in numbers when it comes to high-powered armored units! Clear out the counterattack to complete the mission.
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