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Briefing: The Soviets have got us on the run. To hit back we need tanks--and officers to command them. Officers like you, Lieutenant Hammer. You'll start in the NATO camp.
Objectives: Get into the M60 as the driver and take it to La Trinite (located at grid location Fg38). Quickly complete your training. Travel to Dourdan (located at grid location Ff44), where your commander is attempting to hold the town.
Get into the M60 tank as a driver and move the tank toward La Trinite. Upon reaching the waypoint, get out of the tank and report to the commander. He now assumes the driver position, and you move into the tank commander position. It's your job to give the driver directions so he can reach the intended destination safely.
![]() Practice maneuvering the tank and using the controls. You're inside one for several upcoming missions. |
Guide the tank to the training grounds (indicated by the waypoint). After reaching the waypoint, you're instructed to fire upon the three tank targets. Lock onto the targets using the right mouse button. Blast the tank targets with the SABOT ammunition. Once you're finished with the three targets, you start toward the next waypoint, but new mission orders interrupt the trip.
Objective: Rendezvous with your commander and stop the enemy attack!
Press key 1 then 9 to set the tank's waypoint to Dourdan. Proceed to Dourdan to rendezvous with the commander. After the meeting, press key 1 then 1 again to keep formation with the mission commander. You are proceeding to the coast at Fj48.
You'll encounter a BMP and scattered Russian soldiers near the coast. If you'd like to conduct the battle yourself, remain ahead of the mission commander. If you remain behind the mission commander, he'll likely handle the majority of the targets for you, particularly the BMP. Clear the coastline of enemy units to complete the mission. Resume formation (1, 1) should you get detached from the mission commander.
![]() Assist the commander against the enemy attack! |
Battle of Houdan--Malden, Near Dourdan
Briefing: Your main objective is to support the infantry defending Houdan. You're part of Yankee Squad en route (located at grid location Fg47) from Dourdan to Houdan.
Objectives: Get to the city (located at grid location Ff52) and support the NATO defense there. Be sure to avoid the border zone (located at grid location Fh60) where the Soviet force is concentrated.
Maintain formation with your fellow tanks by pressing key 1 then 1 again. As you approach the primary objective, you receive word from Papa Bear: "We have a mission update. Our beach patrol reports two, repeat two, incoming BMPs. The patrol is under fire. Please divert and assist."
Objective: Proceed to the beach (located at grid location Fj53) and support the defense there.
![]() BMPs shouldn't pose much of a threat against your tank. |
Divert your heading toward the beach (or simply press the maintain-formation command to remain near your follow tanks) and deal with the BMPs. Tackle the BMPs and any Russian soldiers. You receive a message from Houdan once you have eliminated the threat on the beach: "Yankee Squad, this is Houdan. We have a large armored force attacking from the south. Request urgent assistance."
Proceed to Houdan and assist your fellow tanks in combating the armored force arriving from the south. After clearing Houdan, you receive new mission orders that contradict those presented in the original mission plan. A transmission indicates: "Yankee One: Proceed to the border zone and attack the enemy beachhead. Your orders are to counterattack the soviet beachhead."
Objective: Assault the border zone (located at grid location Fh59).
Follow your fellow tanks in formation toward the border zone. As expected (from the original mission plan), the battle doesn't go very well. You're ordered to retreat almost immediately. Proceed away from the border zone to complete the mission.
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