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Briefing: Congratulations on all your work so far, Lieutenant Armstrong. Now here's where we start taking the fight back to the Russians. It's time for us to liberate Everon. To begin with, we need you to secure the airport at the north end of the island with an infantry assault. You will land on the beach at grid reference Eb04.
Objectives: Your first objective is the hill at grid Dj03. Cleanse it of enemy units, and hold it. Bravo (located at grid location Dj05) will cover your left flank, and Charlie (located at grid location Di03) your right, as you put down the expected Soviet counterattack. Begin the assault on the airport (located at grid location Dh08). When Bravo and Charlie are ready, they will let you know. Send them a signal (0-0-1) to attack. Destroy the defending Shilka and radio the Cobra gunships, designation November, for additional support (0-0-2). Secure the airport.
Move forward to the hill in front of you and clear the area of Soviet units. Order your squad to attack particular Soviet soldier targets. Don't charge over the hill haphazardly. There may be Soviet soldiers concealed behind the structures or hidden well inside bushes and trees. You're ordered to hold the hill once all Soviet forces have been cleared from the area.
The Soviet counterattack arrives in the form of tanks, a BMP, and an APC from the southern road. Face this road and order your LAW launcher troops to fire at the vehicles. Your collective forces should have little trouble repelling the vehicle attack. Your next task is to head toward the airport, though it's wise to tackle the Shilka yourself as you move there.
Proceed from the hill due west and maneuver until you're directly north of the Shilka. Turn south and approach the Shilka from the north. Order your LAW launcher troops to fire on the Shilka as soon as you are within range. Destroy the Shilka to complete the objective. It's now time to commence the attack on the airport.
![]() The assault on the airport depends on your skills as well as the success of your other squads. Help them by taking out the Shilka! |
The airport assault has a way of going really well or really bad depending on how well your other teams (Bravo, Charlie, and November) perform. Approach the airport from the forest to the west. Hold off the call to attack, though start firing on any Soviet soldiers in sight (check the bushes and buildings on the left side of the airport). Keep your LAW launcher soldiers safe from the attack; you may need them against the airport's tank defenses.
Once you breach the forest and can safely approach the perimeter of the airport, order Bravo and Charlie to begin their attack. Also, send a signal to November to begin their aerial assault as well. November concentrates on the tanks; help them by ordering your LAW launcher soldiers to attack the closest tank targets. Order remaining soldiers to assault any Soviets within range. Clear the airport of enemy units to complete the mission.
Hind Attack--Somewhere on Everon
Briefing: You are at Ed66, in the middle of enemy territory.
Objectives: Meet up with the three other members of your squad. The meeting point is at Eb67. Find the secret base and destroy what you can. Disappear. Recommended evac points are Ei61, Dh55, and Db65.
Approach the meeting point at grid reference Eb67. You won't come under attack on the way there so don't hesitate to run as quickly as possible. A cutscene interrupts the action once you reach the meeting point--two more Black Ops join you for the attack on the secret base.
Instead of searching for the secret base, go directly there by proceeding to grid reference Eg58. Maneuver through the forest to remain under cover. Approach the secret base from the south.
Complete the mission by either laying satchel charges yourself or ordering your fellow Black Ops soldiers to do so. Lay prone and maneuver to the Hind choppers on the landing strip. Drop your satchel charges behind each Hind (or order your fellow soldiers to do so). Escape back through the forest and proceed toward Ei61, the closest evacuation point. Once you are far enough away from the secret base, detonate the satchel charges. The mission ends once you reach the evacuation point.
Rolling Thunder--The North of Everon
Briefing: Lieutenant Hammer, we now hold the northern part of Everon. Your task is to break to the south, to Montignac, so we can secure the strategically vital center of the island. You'll begin at Orion base (located at grid location Ec19) to the north of Everon. Your platoon's call sign is Yankee.
Objectives: Head south. Your first objective is to neutralize the enemy defensive position at Tyrone (located at grid location Di28). Then continue to Montignac. But stay alert; there's a heavily defended enemy position between Tyrone and Montignac. Eliminate it if you can, but exercise caution. Seize and hold Montignac (located at grid location Di45).
The sheer power of your Abrams (and the others that accompany you) means this mission shouldn't be too difficult. Proceed first to Tyrone. Inside you'll encounter a BMP, some tanks, and Ural trucks. Order your group to attack specific targets while you also target the Soviet vehicles. Comb Tyrone for remaining forces. You will be told when you have liberated the town.
![]() Make sure you designate specific targets for your squad. |
The mission objectives warned of a heavily defended area between Tyrone and Montignac. It's wise to avoid this area--it's heavily mined. Instead of moving down that road, use the overhead map and maneuver your squad down the forest edge on the eastern side of the forest. You almost have a straight shot to Montignac.
Move into Montignac and target the Soviet tanks, BMPs, and trucks. Switch to the machine gun and seek out Soviet RPG soldiers. Clear Montignac of the Soviet presence to complete the mission successfully.
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