Youre looking for the DNA databank computer. Move out onto the catwalk and look at the ground below to spot the tech. Go to the end of the catwalk while in sneak mode and hop onto the ledge. Drop onto the crates below when the tech looks away. Sneak up on the tech and disable him. If he catches you then pummel him with punches or your shiv. Use the DNA sampler console to give a sample.
Not a good move but a required one. Quickly grab the assault rifle from the ground on the right side of the console. Hide on the wall to the left of the DNA console. When the guards move in, blast them with the assault rifle. More are on the way through the door so be ready when it opens. Snag dropped ammo. When shooting through the open door, hit the barrels to cause a damaging explosion. Search the bodies for money and a second gun.
Navigate the dark hallway and find the health unit on the right. Bust the debris to the right of the health unit and hop through the hole. Shoot the patrolling guard and grab his shotgun. Find the service panel near the crates. This deactivates the fan above. Climb the crates and move through the disabled fan.
Go into sneak mode and start along the catwalk to the left. There are enemies below. Shoot them before they detect you if possible. Otherwise theyll shoot down the catwalk. Finish them off when you land. Turn around and head down the dark hallway. Spot the doorway to the right. Shoot the patrolling guard inside and snag his supplies.
The large supply area on the left side contains several guards high on the catwalk. Shoot out the light near the health unit to create some darkness. Inch out from behind the corner and fire at the guards on the catwalk. Use the health unit after the battle. Climb the crates to reach the catwalk and acquire dropped ammo and pack of smokes #13.
Watch for any additional guards arriving below. Drop down and move through the unexplored hallway to find a guard near a service hatch. Blast the guard with your assault rifle. Open and enter the service tunnel. Use the valve ahead to disable the gas.
Shoot down the hall and blast the guards in the dark distance. Dont go too far forward or suffer damage from grenade explosion. Crush the guards and gather their ammo. Enter the hole on the right side. Hide behind the crate on the right. Keep your flashlight off. A guard comes down the hall and wont see you if youre hidden. When he gets close, shoot him.
Stay in the dark on the right side of the hall. A second guard enters to see whats happening. Let him pass by and either ignore him or disable him. Continue down the hall and find another health unit. Start through the doorway to the health units left side.
Faint whispering clues you in--there are guards waiting for you inside. This is a tough battle. Stay along the left wall and dodge the grenades hurled in your direction by moving either left or right. Blast the guard hiding behind the crates on the right. Two more guards hide behind crates on the left side. Remain at a distance and target their exposed body parts. If they roll out from behind the crates, blast them. A final guard stands inside the dark corner on the back left side. Remain behind the cover of the crates and take him out when hes exposed.

The riot guard isnt easy to take down. Use your agility to get behind the beast and shoot its head.
This cues the arrival of the riot guard. Your feeble weapon wont be able to dent his front armor but he does have a weak spot. You must blast the back of his head with the shotgun at close-range to disable the riot guard. Its not an easy task but killing the riot guard nets pack of smokes #27. Hit and run techniques can work here. Get in behind the riot guard, blast him, and then move away. Hide in a corner and wait for him to turn around and repeat until hes down. You can circle around the dark corner or use the crates to duck behind.
If you want to avoid him, wait for him to move away from the elevator he rode down on then scamper to the elevator and use the button. Go through the door and back toward the cell block.
Prison Yard Riot
Move through the door. Spot a dark staircase on the right, a valve up ahead, and a heath unit around the corner. Use the valve first then use the health unit if necessary. Descend the staircase.
Switch on your flashlight and watch the con below get blasted. Fight your way to the bottle of the stairs. Wall-mounted turrets pose the biggest challenge in this section. Theyre small so tough to shoot and inflict a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Dont forget to return to the health unit and replenish your health if necessary. Find the first turret on the right hand wall. Shoot in its direction to destroy the weapon.
Run across the hall and snag ammo. Return to the intersection and peer right. More turrets fire from the left and right walls. Another guard maneuvers from around the corner; take him down and advance down the hall. As you near the corner, destroy a turret on the right side. Move slowly through here so you arent pelted by turrets. One guard may carry a med cartridge. Return to the health unit and use it if necessary. You can also shoot out lights to help provide cover. Shoot the guard and turrets down the next hallways as you move toward the courtyard.
In the last room (with "AQ" on the wall), shoot the turret on the right side before facing the gate on the left. Its locked. Youll have to find a radio and trick the guards into opening the gate. Retrace your steps toward the beginning of the section at the first intersection at the bottom of the stairs. Turn right and spot the gate. Wait until it opens and the guards advance.
Shoot the guards and grab the radio transmitter. Riddick uses the transmitter to fool the guards. The gate is now unlocked--time to head to the pit! Return through the previously locked gate and watch the cinematic preceding the next section.