The Cybrid
Campaign: Earth
and Luna, Earth
will be tough, and he's got plenty of help. |
Mission #14: Hunt//Find//Kill
Bring heavy firepower
and a thermal diffuser - you're going to take down Caanon. Head to nav
point 001, but try to stay together. Caanon and his three buddies will
ambush you from different directions or all together. The good news is
that Caanon is in a basilisk and not something far worse. The bad news
is that not only is Caanon pretty good and aggressive, that soon after
you hit Caanon's squad, reinforcements will start arriving, precipitating
the fact that you must kill him fast.
After wiping him out, you can
call for the dropship or roam around the area, destroying the rest of
the humans.
Mission #15: Heresy//Corruption
This is a wild one. Not only must you deal with the normal humans, but
the metagens that are revolting against the cybrids. Your overall objective
is to take out the four metagens before they can take over a dropship
to escape. Alternatively, you can also take out the dropship instead of
tackling the metagens, but you can track the metagens' progress through
the navigation point (nav metagen). A secondary nav marker, nav convoy,
tasks you to destroy three cargo trucks as they move to the city. If the
convoy makes it, you must destroy the entire city, which is much harder.
Alternatively, you can let the metagens board the dropship, which requires
40 seconds to take off - then blast it with your entire squad while they
can't shoot back.
Unfortunately, the mission
isn't that easy. The humans are fighting both you and the metagens, and
the metagens definitely don't like you or the humans for that matter.
To make matters worse, random members of your squad may convert to the
metagens' side during the course of the battle. Other cybrids are also
wondering around.
Next: Missions #16 and #17