The Cybrid Campaign: Mercury & Luna
Mercury and Luna, Earth

The cybrid campaign, described in the game as "advanced," is quite different from the human campaign - using cybrids requires more tact and skill. Instead of relying of firepower alone, you must be quick and evasive. What makes it even harder is that the cybrid campaign consists of lots of total destruction style missions, where you kill everything in sight.

The campaign is split somewhat into two discernible areas - the assault on Mercury and Earth's moon (Luna) and the final invasion of the Earth, which is further split into geographical areas.

Mercury and Luna

Mission #1: Secure//Initiate
Since you start out in a Goad, use maneuverability and quickness to your advantage and try not get hit too many times - use a shield modulator if you must. This initial mission is pretty easy - go to the three nav points (001, 002, and 003) and dispatch anything or anybody you might run across.

You'll first run into a talon before nav point 001, then a disrupter tank at the nav point itself along with a communications array you can hit from long range. At nav point 002, a cloaked minotaur will appear when you've hit the cargo ship. Then watch for the two talons guarding the planetary defense gun at nav point 003. Once you've destroyed all that, you can call on your dropship to get you out.

Mission #2: Sear//Strip//Eliminate
Bring a thermal diffusion jammer for heat-seeking missiles - you're going to need it. On the way to nav point 001, a gorgon is guarding a command facility. Suffice it to say, he has you outgunned and outclassed in nearly every category, so use your superior maneuverability to get to his rear and stay there. One the gorgon is taken care of, blow up the facility, taking care especially to destroy the generator building.

At nav point 001, a door is barring the entrance to a tunnel - blast it open and go past two rooms, each with two turrets. The turrets are inoperable, since you took out the generator above - but blast them anyway. In the open area beyond, you can destroy an array of five missile turrets by "peaking" tactics - inch around the entrance corner or just below a ridge where you can hit the turret safely without it noticing you. After you've done all that, find the bunkers with the supplies in it and blow them up - but be sure you aren't too close, they are pretty explosive. After you're done, you can head to the nexus at nav point 002.

Next: Missions #3 and #4next