You should outfit your herc
to how you like to play - obviously the bulk of the cybrids models or
something like the human emancipator will work well for players who like
it loose and fast. The bigger models like the executioner or the olympian
will work for those who want to duke it out with extreme firepower. Attune
your herc to your fighting style and stick to it, unless it's obvious
that it doesn't work after more than a few tries. You never know.
Speaking of which, typically,
many CTF games revolve around really fast, light units and heavily armored
monstrosities - the light units go after the flag, while the heavier ones
guard them. In fact, some light units can be really fast, possibly up
over 300kph, so having your own fast units and defensive units is essential.
So how do you get the flag? A typical ploy is to use the cloak with a
fast herc and just keep running, but the cloaked herc is just as vulnerable.
Another plus for the defender is that a destroyed herc with the flag in
tow will bring the flag right back to the defender's base.
Another idea is to at least
distract the defenders - take out the team's repair and reload pads, and
you can wear them down by attrition. Or, you can send in waves of diversionary
attacks and let someone else take the flag.