You're called into a rapid deployment at an ongoing shots fired situation; potential gang altercation within the A-Bomb Nightclub. Expect to find many armed gunmen inside and several capacitated and incapacitated hostages. There are two possible entry points: the front door, past the ticket booth, and a back alley loading zone.
Objectives: Bring order to chaos. Rescue all of the civilians.
Loadout: Arm the team with non-lethal primary weapons and a handgun or taser secondary weapon. There are no armored targets so jacketed hollow point ammunition is sufficient if you decide to use a lethal firearm. Equip plenty of flashbangs and CS gas grenades. The nightclub is large and many rooms have multiple entrances and exits so you will likely need flashbangs or gas to help clear rooms and subdue occupants. Remove all of the pepper spray and replace with an extra grenade. Make sure both red and blue have one optiwand and two door wedges.
There are two entrances. For the purposes of this walkthrough, we're going to use the side entrance. There are a lot of doors, rooms, and hallways from the front entrance so the side entrance begins a bit calmer, at least in theory. Check the side entrance with a mirror then open and clear. You may notice the first incapacitated hostage in this room. To achieve the highest score possible, you must report all of the incapacitated hostages in to TOC so search all rooms carefully.
The door on the opposite side of the room leads into a stage area. Don't use that door just yet. Order red team to stack up against the door and use blue team to search the left hall. A door on the right side of the hall leads into a bar area. If the door is open, expect occupants inside. If it is open, toss a gas grenade into the room then enter with blue team and subdue any suspects or hostages. Shout orders and pelt a suspect until he subdues. Restrain, report, and secure firearms. There's only one exit from this room; the door on the right leads into the stage area again.
If you go past the door into this bar area, the path bends around a corner to the right and moves upstairs to the second floor. Don't proceed there yet. But you can check around the corner with an optiwand to see if any suspects are patrolling the area.
Order blue team to stack on the door into the stage area located in the bar. You should have two teams in two locations both prepared to enter the same room. You can order both teams to use optiwands on the door to reaffirm suspects. Order a team to bang or gas the room and the other to clear. Or even toss in two gas grenades. You should enter the room and cover the left side; there are two exit doors there that suspects may try to either flee from or even enter from. Shout at any suspect in these doorways to protect your team. Restrain and report everyone in the room. Secure weaponry then focus on the two exit doors.
Stack one team on the left door and another on the right. Beyond this door is a storage room and stairwell to left and a long hallway to the right that leads down to the front entrance, the ticket booth, a hall of bathrooms, and another stage. This can be a potentially dangerous hallway. Order the team at the left door to deploy a flashbang and the team on the right to open, gas, and clear. Send the left team after the right moves in. Assist the team on the right as there are likely more suspects in the hall than toward the storage room.
If the left side is clear, order the team to cover the area. Down the hall on the right, be careful down the hall as you can be visible from the ticket booth. Also, the door across the ticket booth leads to another stage that's likely occupied. Go down the hall on the right and check the bathrooms. If there are any armed occupants, open, gas, and clear.
The door to the left of the men's room goes into the ticket booth. Check under the door with the optiwand. If there are armed occupants, open, bang, and clear. Return to the storage area and regroup the teams. Sierra 1 is focused on this storage room so you can snipe a target if you want or use non-lethal means to apprehend the target. Check under the storage room door on the right and clear the room of occupants.
The door ahead leads into the other stage. Like the other, it contains multiple exits and entrances. Check under the door. Deploy a flashbang and/or gas inside the room before entering. Subdue all occupants and report in to TOC. The door straight ahead leads into an office. Have one team clear the office while the other moves toward the front entrance with you. Check a second office on the opposite side of the hallway past the front entrance.
You've now cleared the first floor. Return to the storage room door and stack onto the door on the opposite wall. This is a stairwell to the second floor. Check under the door if it's closed. If there's a suspect on the stairs, deploy a flashbang and enter. Be careful ordering a team to clear the stairwell because they will ascend to the top and could be targets for any suspects on the second floor.
At the upstairs door, open and deploy a flashbang and/or gas after checking underneath. Move off to the right after entering as suspects can flee around the corner. Stop them in their tracks with a non-lethal weapon. Have one team restrain suspects and hostages while another team deploys gas into the next open area. Gas the area before entering or you may suffer some nasty crossfire from hard to see suspects. Order any remaining occupants down. Make a final sweep for incapacitated hostages and make you have reported in all restrained suspects and civilians and secured all weapons.