A botched theft has turned into a barricaded situation. Responding to a 911 call, an officer interrupts two individuals in the process of stealing a car from Victory Imports. At least one hostage is known to be inside: Gary Altman, a mechanic who was apparently working late. Expect to find several more civilians inside. There are two possible entry points: the parking area north entrance and the roof. The parking and repair garages comprise the lower level and the second floor is office space.
Objectives: Bring order to chaos. Rescue all of the civilians. Rescue Gary Altman.
Restrain every civilian you rescue and report their status to TOC.
Loadout: Arm the team with non-lethal primary weapons and handgun or taser as a secondary weapon (hollow point ammo is adequate). This is a good-sized structure so eschew the pepper spray for extra CS gas grenades and flashbangs. Take at least one door wedge and an optiwand for each team.
Enter through the parking garage. It's quite dark so use the flashlight. Descend into the garage and peer around the left corner. You may spot a suspect running back into a repair garage or one may remain outside and take shots at your team. If one remains behind, blind him with a flashbang and subdue him. Check near the van for an incapacitated hostage and report it in.
There are two repair garage entrances here. Close the doors if they're open and order one team for each door. Check underneath the door with the optiwand. If you continue through the garage, you can look around a left corner to find a third door: it also leads into the second garage. Be careful if this door is open as a suspect might surprise you.
The left garage has an upper floor, which does pose some problems if you just charge inside. Flashbang that garage even if the team reports no suspects inside. Aid that garage clearance and check that upper floor as soon as you move in. Beware of any suspects in the back trying to get into the adjacent garage. Order a team up the stairs to wedge the door at the top. This leads into the second floor offices so it's best to keep it shut for now so no suspects can escape. If there are suspects in that office, they can shoot out the windows so proceed carefully.
Clear the adjacent garage using two teams; one at the door they started at and the second at the door in the back left corner of the first garage. The second garage leads back into the parking area, into a third garage, and the left door into a hall toward a restroom and storage area. Order a team to mirror the middle door to look within the third garage. Deploy a gas grenade inside if a suspect is spotted; when he starts coughing, enter and subdue him. Report in and recover weapons as you move.
Proceed into the hallway. It's quite dark and it's easy to miss a suspect hiding in a corner. Use the flashlight or be extra careful and toss a CS gas grenade into the hall. Order a team to check under the bathroom door on the right. If there's a suspect inside, it's tough to restrain him without suffering a casualty. You can breach the door with C2 but you may incapacitate the suspect. If you try and deploy a grenade inside, you may lose a team member.
Toss a CS gas grenade down into the storage area if you see someone lurking about. Watch the stairwell on the left for suspects coming down. There's another door on the back left corner of the storage area. Use the optiwand to peek inside. Subdue anyone inside.
The door on the right side of the storage area leads back into the parking garage. There's likely a suspect (or two) on the left alcove out this door. The best way to deal with them is to open the door, toss a flashbang toward the left alcove, and then exit the door and subdue them. Move the team into the parking garage and close the door behind you. Keep a team stacked on the door in case some suspect attempts to surprise you. Check behind the air unit across the garage. Toss a grenade if you're being shot at.
Return to the stairwell in the storage area and ascend cautiously. At the top of the stairs, lean out and check both directions. Use the flashlight to check dark spaces. Go to the right. There are two halls to the right. Toss a CS gas grenade down the first hall. Make sure the grenade reaches a small alcove down the hall. Listen for coughing then subdue anyone down there. Don't continue down this hall.
Gary Altman is one of the mechanics trapped inside. Rescue him as part of the mission objectives.
Instead, proceed down the next hall. It runs adjacent to the sales counter. Liberally gas (or flashbang) the lobby across from the counter in case there are suspects lurking around. Be careful as you check the arcade area. There's one more office in the back corner; it's the same room that's at the top of that first garage that you wedged shut. Check the door before entering then gas or flashbang as needed.
There could also be suspects on the rooftop. Return to the stairwell and ascend the staircase to the roof. The rooftop is quite open so it's extremely important to move carefully. Use all remaining grenades and listen for disoriented suspects. Shout and use your non-lethal weapon to force the suspects to subdue. Check to make sure you have reported everything in before advancing to the next mission.