There's a well-lit area in the room. Avoid it - there's a guard there who is impossible to sneak up on. You can use your flash bomb to take care of him, if you wish, but it's better to hold on to it in case of an emergency. And there's an easier way around him.
There's a doorway to the kitchen in the storage area. Stand in the shadows and look through the doorway. Watch the path of the man in the room. He's not a guard, so you can knock him out if he sees you. Still, it's best to remain unnoticed. Wait until his back is turned, then run up and knock him out. Pick up the unconscious body and walk into the wine cellar.
Drop the body and search the wine cellar. Grab all the bottles and drop those that are worthless. You'll find a secret area here with a small quantity of gems and a speed potion. Go back into the kitchen. Find the small hallway near a table covered in worthless plates. At the end is a dumbwaiter. Get in and flip the switch. At the top, grab the gold plates and cups, then take the key off the guard when he passes by. Flip the switch and go back down.
Return to the main kitchen area. Open the closed door and enter the small storage room. Extinguish the torch and open the opposite door.
Wait for the guard to pass by, then sneak up and knock him out. Stash the body in the small room. Continue down the hall. Search the rooms if you like, there's an interesting note concerning Sheriff Truart's crackdown on crime.
At the end of a hall is a doorway, leading to another hallway. Turn right and walk down the hall. You'll come to a locked door. Jenivere is behind the door. If you're playing on normal or hard difficulty, you should have completed all the necessary tasks. Now, all you must do is go back up and use the birdcall to alert Basso. Be sure to go back through the kitchen to avoid the guard in the storage room.
Detailed instructions for completing the primary tasks are at the end of this mission Walk-through. If you're playing on expert difficulty, the next section will help you get the rest of the loot and the necessary knockout tally.
The walk-through (cont.)