Getting the Loot and the Knockouts
With the loot from the barracks near the guard post, the dining room (via the dumbwaiter), and the wine cellar (all these areas are described in detail in the preceding section), you should be somewhat close to the needed loot total. However, the 200 in gems make this a bit more difficult. You're must head upstairs.
From Jenivere's room, continue down the hall. You'll come to a large storage area. In the room, there is a small alcove blocked by a stack of boxes. Remove the boxes, then take the loot off the statue. Also, look in the small area to the right of the statue - there's some more loot hidden there. Now, return to the hallway.
 Use the dumbwaiter to get the loot from the dining room. |
Open the door near the storage area. Get the loot from the room, then continue to the other door. Go up the stairs. There's a guard patrolling this hallway. Knock him out, take the loot off his body, and hide the body. Search the two rooms in the next hallway. You'll find a little bit of loot. Now, use the key from the dining room guard to open the locked door near the stairs.
This door leads to a two-story bedroom area. Quickly make your way to the shadowy area near the stairs in the room. Wait for the guard to come down the stairs, then quickly knock him out. Go up the stairs. Take all the obvious loot in the upstairs rooms. In the bedroom area beneath a flowerpot, you'll see a switch. Flip it, then jump on the bed. A small alcove holding some jewelry will open. Take it and head back down the stairs.
Follow the hallway down to the large ballroom. Walk past the double doors. You can unlock them, but they lead to the heavily guarded courtyard, and you don't need anything there, unless you really want to get all the loot. In that case, there's some in the grassy area in the middle of the courtyard, but three guards protect the area.
 Basso and Jenivere, together again. |
From the ballroom, go down the second hallway. There are two guards that patrol this area. Knock them both out. At this point, you should have completed the knockout requirement. Ignore the first door on your left as you go down the hallway. It leads to the dining room, and everything you need in there can be acquired via the dumbwaiter method described in the previous section.
At the end of the hallway is a stairway leading up. Near the stairway are two doors. There's some loot here, including a vase hidden on a mantle above a bed. Go up the stairs. Get the ring from the bedroom and the necklace from the table. You should have more than the needed loot at this point, and the jewelry from the two bedrooms should give you the necessary gem total. Go back down the stairs.
In the hallway, there is a short staircase leading down. At the bottom is a locked door. Use the butler's key (from way back at the beginning of the level) to unlock the door. You're back in the butler's room. Exit the house.
Rescuing Jenivere
Walk over to the small house near the front gate. Use the birdcall to signal Basso. Follow him through the basement. When he gets to Jenivere's cell, he'll open the door and go in. Wait for Basso and Jenivere to come out of her cell, then follow them back through the basement to the courtyard.
The walk-through (cont.)