Mission 2: Shipping... and Receiving
There are several tasks required in this mission. The following Walk-through is not a step-by-step guide, but rather a separate guide for each objective. The tasks will vary depending on the difficulty level you chose.
This level also provides you with many opportunities to eavesdrop on conversations to learn a bit more about the mechanists as well as see some of their technologies first-hand.
Before you start, buy some flash bombs. The shipping yard is heavily guarded, and they'll come in handy.
Getting Started
Regardless of what difficulty level you chose, you must get a key, so you can access the various gate control sheds in the shipping yard.
 Use the skylight to enter the office. |
Jump down from the stack of crates. Crawl through the gap in the second stack of crates nearby. Jump up the crates and onto the ladder leading to the catwalk above. In the middle of the catwalk is another ladder; climb it to the roof. Drop through the open skylight and onto the beams below. Drop to the wall and into the office. Knock out Rampone. Get the loot from the room, then leave the office.
Check the mailboxes. Reading the letters will give you an idea whose storage room is located where. Also, make sure to get the loot from the strongbox atop the mailboxes. Now, enter the gate control room. Take the key from the control panel. This key will let you enter any of the gate control sheds outside.
To operate the gate control mechanism, simply enter the number of the warehouse you wish to enter. Doing this will open the warehouse's gate. Now, it's time to complete your primary objective.
Switching the Labels
Both the warehouses you must enter are in building A. Bamrich's warehouse is 7732, Gilver's is 7933.
From the office, follow the hallway to the large stairway. There's a guard who patrols these stairs, so wait for him to pass by, then run in and knock him out. Take the stairs down, then use the lockpicks to open the large double doors. There's a guard just outside - knock him out, then carry the body inside.
 The controls will let you open any warehouse, but only one at a time. |
Exit the building through the double doors. There are a number of patrolling guards outside - you must watch for them and knock them out as needed.
Turn left as you leave through the double doors. Stop at any of the gate control sheds and unlock the door with the key from the office. Enter Bamrich's code (7732) at the console. Continue walking around building A.
You'll come to a large open area filled with crates. Bamrich's office will be the first door on your left as you round the corner (at the southwest corner of building A). There are four guards who patrol this area and one stationary guard near Bamrich's office. You can sneak in without the stationary guard seeing you, but be prepared to deal with the guards as necessary.
Enter Bamrich's office and grab the shipping label off his desk. Now, go through the courtyard to Gilver's warehouse (check your map if you're not sure where it is - all the warehouses are clearly labeled). On your way, stop at a control shed and enter 7933 to open Gilver's warehouse.
Enter Gilver's warehouse and find the large crate near his office. Cover the old shipping label with the one in your inventory. Go to the second floor to find some loot hidden among the crates, then exit.
The walk-through (cont.)