Getting the Spice
Getting the spice is tricky. It's located in and around building B.
Make your way to building B. The easiest way is to go through the large courtyard near Gilver's warehouse, then take out the guard watching the entrance to building B. There are many more guards on the other side, so this back way is a bit more simple. As you enter the building, hide among the shadows near the crates to the right.
 You'll find the spice and some loot in this well-guarded building. |
Wait for Davidson's men to pass by, then knock them both out. Take the key that one of them is carrying on his belt. Hide the bodies, then take the elevator (near the door you entered) up to the second floor.
Quickly hide in a shadowy area to avoid the patrolling guard. Knock him out when you have the chance. Go through any of the offices on the west side of the building. You'll end up on a catwalk. Go to the skylight at the far north end. Stand on it and break it with your sword or blackjack. You'll fall into a secret area with two chests. One will open with Davidson's key. To open the other, you must pick the lock. Once you have the spice, drop to the floor and exit the building.
You'll also find spice in the chest in Davidson's office, the chest in the captain's quarters on the ship, and the secret compartment on the deck of the ship. See the following sections for details on these areas.
Ain't Nothing Going On but the Rent
You must explore nearly all the warehouses to get the necessary loot. Let's start with building B and its surroundings.
In building B, loot can be found in Davidson's office in a locked chest. His key will open it. You can open the large storage bay doors by going into the foreman's office (near Davidson's office) and flipping the switches. Storage bay four has quite a bit of loot in it. Loot can also be found in the secret area where you found the spice.
 Search all the warehouses for loot. |
Next, you'll want to board Davidson's ship. This can be tricky, as there's a guard that you can't sneak up on. Just use a flash bomb to take care of him - you can knock him out while he's blinded. Walk up the stairs to the telescope and move it. Now, turn the wheel. This will open a crate in Davidson's room. Also, examine the tapestries in the captain's quarters - there's some loot to be found behind them. Walk down and head through the ship. Grab the loot from the crate (make sure you get everything), the candlestick, and read his journal. Now, go back to the deck.
There's a large crate on the deck with a secret door in the front. Open it and fight the spiders. Get the loot from the crate. Now, head back to building A.
The walk-through (cont.)