Lt. Hagen's Office
Through the secret door, you'll enter a room full of machines. Exit the room through the door and go down the hallway. There's a guard here, so avoid him. When he's out of eye- and earshot, go through the door at the end of the hall and immediately go through the door on the right, labeled "conference rooms." Crouch and go through the hallway. The first door on your right leads to an empty office with some valuable glasses in it. Continue past the second conference room (where you can hear a conversation about Jenivere's kidnapping) and head through the door to the front desk area.
Crouch and walk to the podium. Flip both switches - one disables the alarm system, and the other opens the main gate. Also push the button hidden under the podium - it reveals a small area with some coins. Take the water arrows from the water cooler.
Turn off the alarm and open the gate with these controls. |
Now, run across the room and hide in the shadows near the door to the left. Extinguish the torch if you want, but the guards will just relight it. Once the guards have passed by, go through the door and into the hallway. Quickly turn left and extinguish the torch. Head up the stone steps. Crouch and hide in the shadows to avoid the guard on the stairs. Continue around the landing and up. Extinguish the torch in the hallway and get ready to make a break for Lt. Hagen's office.
Once the hallway guarded passes by, enter the hall and turn right. As you walk down the hall, Hagen's office is the first door on the right. Use the triangle-toothed lockpick to open it and quickly get in and shut the door. Take the handkerchief from the desk and examine the other objects in the office.
Open Hagen's door. Wait for the guard to pass, then quickly run across the hall and use the square-toothed lockpick to open the door to Mosley's office. Get the moss and water arrows and the key to the secure records room. Read the letters, then exit the room.
The walk-through (cont.)