Go across the hall and open the door. Go through the next room to the single door on the far side. This leads into the north wing of the mansion. Turn right and follow the hallway to two sets of double doors. Go through the doors to your right. Search on the pillar near the stairs for a switch. Flip it to open a secret passage.

Return to the hall and turn right. Enter the lavender hallway. Go into the guard station and take the coins from the desk. Walk down the hall and go into the barracks. Now, return to the main hallway. Go right and enter the bathroom.

Search the bath and the sink for coins. Near the bath is a switch for a secret passage. Go into the passage. Take the first left and flip the switch at the end of the hall. This will open two secret doors. Facing the switch, go through the door to your left into the servant's quarters. Search the chests for some loot, then return to the passage. Go through the other secret door into the kitchen. Take the bottles and the bags above the sink.

From the kitchen, go into the security station. Flip the top two switches to turn off the watchers. Go across the hall and enter the office. Return to the secret passage in this wing and follow it to the end. Go across the hall and through the door. Go up the stairs to the ballroom. Follow the balcony around to the next door and go through into the second floor hallway.

The Second Floor
You'll be in a security station. Turn the watchers off. Near the door to the hallway is a switch. Flip it, then go through the door into the trophy room. Open the chest and search the room for coins. Go into the closet and look at the ceiling. Flip the switch and go into the passage.

The passage leads to the dining room. Go into the hall and across to the office. Stand in the doorway and lean into the hallway to see the watcher. When it's facing away, run into the lavender hallway. Flip the switch to turn off the watcher. Go back to the main hall.

Go through the double doors at the end. Crouch and walk to the far side of the balcony. Watch for patrolling guards here and listen to the guards' having a conversation below. Open the tool box to find the cuckoo. Go back to the middle of the balcony and go down the small walkway to the double doors.

You'll be back in the ballroom. Go left and through the door to the south wing. Go through the door across the hall. There's a security station here, but one of the watcher switches is already in the off position. Below it, the large switch is down. Flip it up to turn off the turret. Look in the closet for a switch to a secret passage, then exit the security station and go right down the main hall.

Next: The walk-through (cont.)

THIEF II: The Metal Age

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