
Built by: Forge
Propulsion: Walking
Speed: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Cannon

This walking gun platform provides the necessary pounding power of two cannons. Its power, armor, and speed put the mauler a step above its ISDF counterparts. It doesn't turn very well but it can still hold its own in most stand-up fights. Base attacks wouldn't be the same without it.


Built by: Forge
Propulsion: Tracked
Speed: Slow
Armor: Heavy
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Guns, 2 Cannons

Because of the differences in specific weapon types between the Scions and the ISDF, the titan will typically come out on top against ISDF heavy hitters, except the Attila, where it meets its match. Everything else, though, better watch out. The titan is a beautiful assault weapon and should be used as such, and it makes a great swatter for knocking away those pesky ISDF flies.


Built by: Recycler
Propulsion: Hover
Speed: Medium
Armor: Light
Weapon Hardpoints: 2 Guns

The guardian is the Scion version of the ISDF rattler mobile turret, though the Scion version is a bit faster when on the move and also has a little bit more armor. Use it for perimeter and base defense in logical positions for maximum coverage.


Built by: Forge
Propulsion: Flying
Speed: Slow
Armor: Light
Weapon Hardpoints: Mortar

The Scion's only flying unit is more armored than the ISDF flying units and a tad bit slower (a marked change from other Scion units, which are typically faster than the ISDF units) Instead of deploying troops and making bombing runs, the archer allows the Scions to attack at great range without much danger to itself. It's great for attacking bases as well as clumps of enemy units with nothing better to do than get shelled. The archer, however, is mostly defenseless should it get into trouble.

Other Units

It should be noted that there are a few other units in the game that basically serve the same purpose for each side: recyclers, scavengers, tugs/haulers, constructor units/builders, gun towers/spires, and service trucks/healers.

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Battlezone II

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