Multiplayer Maps Strategies

OK, you've beaten both campaigns handily and you've played Instant Action so many times against the computer that you feel the game should no longer be on the hard drive. Suddenly there is the multiplayer mode, and Battlezone II takes on a whole new light.

You'll need at least a 56K modem to play anywhere close to normal. Of course, low ping times for minimal Net lag is best. Some game maps are best played with two or four players, but the maximum, even on large maps, is six, so don't try to go over that.

Below I'll cover the different multiplayer game types available in Battlezone II and how to play each. I'll also explain the different maps included in the game. The key is that you'll do much better on a map if you know it fairly well, which means of course practicing. Note that I only cover the maps that come with the game in their default modes.

Please be aware however that a little tolerance can go a long way. You're not always going to be teamed up with the best players in existence - sometimes you've got an average Joe like yourself. Players make mistakes, just like you make mistakes, so try to bear that in mind when something bad happens that probably shouldn't have. Of course, if the players are obviously intentionally doing something bad, then by all means have at it.

Capture the Flag (CTF)

The idea behind capture the flag is pretty simple: capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your base before they can do the same to you. Two things that make CTF games a bit different from the others is that there is no base, and there are power-ups lying all over the place.

Since most of the maps are big, the ideal objective is to grab the flag and make it back to base at the fastest pace possible, which means getting a really fast vehicle, typically a Scion vehicle. Of course, having a lighter, faster vehicle also means you'll be more vulnerable, especially to the heavy units that typically cover the flag as a common defensive tactic.

Next: Multiplayer map strategies (cont.)

Battlezone II

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