Cheat Codes

You may be faced with a time where you have to cheat or at least go on to the next mission. Here's how.

All of the codes are entered in through the game console by pressing Control and the tilde (~) key at the same time. You'll get a console like in other first-person games. From here, you can enter the following codes:

game.cheat bzbody - unlimited shields
game.cheat bzfree - unlimited pilots and resources
game.cheat bzradar - full map
game.cheat bztnt - unlimited ammunition
game.cheat bzview - comsat link without having to build one

In fact, there is a whole slew of console commands that can alter the game completely, concerning all facets of the game. Type "ls" (the letter l and the letter s, like a UNIX command) and you'll get a list of commands. Then type in an individual command, and you'll get a list of subcommands. Each subcommand is initiated by adding a period (.) after the main command, like this:

ai.winmission - automatically wins the mission for you

The main command is "ai"; the subcommand is "winmission." There's a lot to experiment with, and some of it will probably cause your machine to crash.

When you choose which campaign you want to continue with (the last three missions in the ISDF campaign or the seven-mission Scion campaign) you're presumably stuck there. But you can still play the other missions by going to the pilot selection screen and for a name typing in:

play isdf - to play the rest of the ISDF campaign
play scion - to play the rest of the Scion campaign

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