Mission Twelve: Counterattack
- Take back the overrun ISDF base
- Reestablish power to the base
- Acquire scrap reserves
- Shut down Scion weapon machine at Scion base
 Greetings. You'll be jumping into a nice firefight in the morning.... |
You're hopping right into the middle of a big firefight, so with no time to lose, jump into a sabre and start knocking around the Scions. Make sure the recycler doesn't wander off by mistake. Once the Scions are taken care of, have the tug retrieve some abandoned scavengers nearby and bring them to the training facility.
Now put the scavengers to work on the nearby scrap pools. Build up a power and defense base and then start building up your mobile forces. You'll want some heavy hitters for a base assault, so think accordingly. Go west and take out a Scion turret located near a scrap pool, though the nearby titan could be a problem if you don't hit him next and hit him hard.
Close at hand is the power supply, with a bunch of Scion guardians and other lighter units nearby. Attack the guardians first, then after taking care of the bulk of them, hit the lighter guys. Then order in a tug to push the power supply and shut down the Scion weapon machine.
Mission Thirteen: Payback
- Oversee the Scion leader's boarding of the ISDF drop ship
- Stay at attention
You should sit still and wait for the transport to explode before getting out and burning a path south, away from the action. Braddock will then contact you to rendezvous with a recycler in the east or southeast. From there, build up your base where there is a field of loose scrap and a pool nearby.
As soon as your forces and base defenses are built to your satisfaction, it's time to hit the Scion base. Go back the way you came originally, to the northwest, and you'll eventually run into a gun tower at one corner of the Scion base. Now you can systematically take out the power supplies, powering down the base one building at a time, and you can figure out the rest from there.
ISDF campaign walk-through (cont.)