King of the Hill
You know the rules - things haven't changed since you used to push kids off the top of the slide in elementary school and you became King of the Hill. You know who you are.
In Battlezone II the winner is the one who can stay on top of the hill the longest. This means you'll need a tough vehicle, not some peewee Scion scout. Because the hill is, well, a hill, you'll need a hover vehicle - those tracked or walking vehicles are just too slow.
Of course, you don't have to stay on the hill - venture down amongst your minions (as king, of course) and kill them. If you have some sort of defensive weapons you can leave on the hill, so much the better.
Note that so far there is only one dedicated King of the Hill map. Others will probably be released online later.
 I'm King of the World! |
- Fight for the Hill: This map is set in a giant lava crater (no active lava to worry about though), and the hill is atop a series of successively smaller plateaus. Each plateau is ringed with a number of power-ups, though they have a tendency to get better as you go up. There's not a lot of cover, so this map will be more of a slugfest than a show of finesse.
Now here's a nifty game. You collect 100 points for each bank you rob. The player with the most points wins the game. Of course, you also collect points for killing other players, but the name of the game is to loot as many banks as possible. To actually loot the bank you have to jump out of your vehicle, physically go inside the building, and grab the money bag.
There are a few strategies you can employ in a game of Loot. You can be traditional and get as many bags as possible while surviving. You can grab a few bags and wait around inside a bank to snipe at your opponents. You can actually destroy the bags, thereby limiting how much loot can actually be gained. Or you can just run around and kill your opponents' empty vehicles while they are in the bank getting the loot. Lastly, you can try to combine all of the above.
So far there is only one dedicated map for a game of Loot.
Multiplayer map strategies (cont.)