Choose from 29 unique classes in 6
different Factions:
Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient
Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian,
Dark Sage
Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot,
Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper,
Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior,
Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
Droid: Battle Droid,
Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin
Droid, Darktrooper
Advanced Force
Powers and new Gadgets:
- Level 4 Force powers, combine Light
& Dark sides, Charged powers,
5 new force ranks
- Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking,
Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar,
and more
Tchouky's Advanced
RGB Lightsabers:
- Toggle on/off clientside, for those
whoe prefer the regular six colors
- In-game menus
- Black sabers availale (toggleable)
- Pimpin color-cycling sabers available
with scripts
Dynamic Star
Wars Model Support:
- Class-based Model System allows
servers to preserve true Star Wars
feel for each model
- Bots automatically assigned proper
classes based on config file
Model Scaling:
- Per model scaling set serverside
via 'modelscale.ini'
- Speed scaled based on model size
- Lightsaber length scaled based on
model size
- Knockback scaled based on model