A Town Guide Starting strategies, continued In the following section, we will go over each town type, giving you an overview and its pros and cons. We won't actually list all the buildings and show each requirement because that information is already on your building tree card that comes with the game. However, we will give a general assessment of each town's building strengths and weakness. We will also cover the town's creatures in general, as well as its magic, heroes, and grail building. Note that in this section, we'll discuss early-, mid-, and late-level creatures: Early level refers to levels one and two; mid level refers to levels three to five; late level refers to levels six and seven. The terms "unit", "troop", and "creature" are used interchangeably throughout this game guide. Also note that we often say "climbing up the tech tree" or "building tree." In those instance, that basically means trying to build all the necessary buildings as fast as possible to get the highest level units possible. So if you were climbing up the tech tree in the tower town, you'd build a parapet and golem factory and the mage guild to get the mage tower, but wouldn't build the blacksmith or marketplace. In this instance, you are scrambling up the tech tree to get to the archmage in four turns.